Friday, October 31, 2008

And the winner is ????????

November 5th can't come soon enough for this voter. How much more Republican rhetoric and lies can America stand. Barrack Obama isn' up to the task of keeping America safe from terrorist. I have to throw the bullshit flag folks. The 72 year old self proclaimed maverick and the fucktard from Alaska are? McSame's plan: "Stay in Iraq for a hundred years." Hey John, wake up, the terrorist we are looking for are in Afghanistan and Pakistan. That's the countries ending in Stan, not Iraq, not Iran.
Middle east maps are fundamental, just like reading Sarah. What magazines or journals do you read? The right-wing religious bomb your local abortion clinic, and the Alaskan succession monthly don't count. America don't let the Republican lie machine change our course.

It's ok to vote for the black guy with the funny name. I'll say it again, it's ok to vote for the black guy with the funny name. Do you want to really catch Bin Laden, then vote for Barrack. Do you want bi-partisan politics and a move back to the moderate middle, then vote for Barrack. Do you want tax cuts for the over burdened middle class and not the rich, then vote for Barrack. Do you want the change that this country so desperately needs right now, then vote for Barrack. Do you want the world view of the US to return that of prosperity, good , truth , and justice, then vote for Barrack.

I think you get the point!!!!! I sure hope so.

My friends we must stand fast, and do the unprecedented, vote for the black guy, our fragile Democracy can't withstand four more years of McSame, if you don't believe these truths to be self evident, then my friends we are doomed, and you are sadly mistaken.

Angry Fokker

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tony Lucca, Josh Stone, and my good friend, Mike V.

A little blues to get us through until the election. I can't stand watching any television until it's over. Hope you enjoy.

A Little Less Angry Fokker

Volunteer, volunteer, Volunteer!!!!!!!!

The most important election in our lifetime is about to be decided. It is time to act, to have a say in our destiny's. Have you got three hours? Can you give up three hours of TV between now and November 4th? Just three hours to help change our country. Can you do it?

I say you can't afford not too. We cannot sit back and hope for the best. We must get off our collective asses and help exact the change that is so long overdue. You can volunteer for a local race, or a national race, it doesn't matter, just do it. Don't wait until November 5th, when it is too late. We have no one else to blame but ourselves, if we don't take an active roll in our political futures.

Can our country take four more years of McSame? Can Sarah Palin be allowed to be one heart beat away from the Presidency? I say no we can't. I say no she can't. Don't sit back and whine and complain, if you don't step up an take charge of your destiny. I can't and won't sit back and let fate run it's course. I will stand up, volunteer my time, an put forth effort to make a change in this Country. I hope you choose to step up and do the same.

If you don't think our Democracy is in dire straits, then by all means sit back and be a sheep waiting for slaughter. If you don't care about our children's future, and the future of the next generations to follow, then by all means vote for McSame. If you choose this course, and don't rally for a change, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.

Angry Fokker

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pay me now or pay me later !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Universal heath care is a very hot issue this election cycle. The Republican's scream socialism. The fact is the US is the only industrialized Nation without universal health care. Why? We are always the gold standard in every other type of service or infrastructure. For so long the Republicans have touted, "less Government, don't create another huge albatross like Social Security." "Socialism, Socialism" they cry. The truth is we are already a Socialized Democracy, Welfare, Food Stamps, WIC, Social Security, low interest business loans, the list goes on and on.
Let's not forget the 700 billion dollar bailout!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Insurance and Drug companies, have lobbied successfully to destroy universal heath care. Once again corporate greed, supersedes the welfare of the public.

The Republicans say, "the system will be abused by non-citizens". The fact is health care is already provided to anyone who chooses to go to the Hospital. EMTALA regulations do not allow Emergency Rooms to refuse care to anyone regardless of insurance or citizenship. In our border States Hospitals loose countless millions treating the non-insured/non-citizen .
The Federal Government refuses to reimburse these States any monies.

So who do you think pays? The consumer of course. We all do, in higher health insurance premiums, higher prescription drug prices, higher co-pays, higher hospital co-pays, ER co-pays, worse care from HMO's. So if we are already paying, why do we fear universal health care?
Ignorance, lies, fear?

We all use preventive maintenance on our cars. Why not our bodies? Those without health care are less likely to go to the hospital. When they do go to the hospital, the lack of preventive health care makes their conditions much worse. Now their care is extremely expensive and often terminal. Once again who pays? And once again I say, we do. So if we are already paying for it, why not lower our cost by allowing all to have health care. Allowing all to use preventive medicine. Lowering our overall cost for health care in the long run.

So we can start to pay for it now, or we will continue to pay for it later!!!!

And once again if you think John McCain will fix the health care issue, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.

Angry Fokker

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"The Precious Middle"

We've been so far right in this country for so long that, liberal is now almost a moderate position. How could we let this happen? In one of the most educated countries in the world we allow certain groups to pull the wool over our eyes. Are we naive, gullible, to trust worthy, or just lazy? I say all four.

We need to end partisan politics and get to the task of saving this Democracy. Both parties must come to the middle. We must have a bi-partisan, put the politics aside, meeting in the middle. All party agenda's must sit on the sidelines until we come together and bring the United States back to it's former greatness. We can no longer afford to let the Senate cripple our nations law makers. The House must be getting tired of doing all the heavy lifting. The House time and time again has passed legislation only to see their friends in the Senate quiver in fear over the mere possibility of a filibuster or veto threat.

The Senate has been frozen in fear and cowardice for much too long. The Senate's inaction has reflected poorly on the House's approval rating. The Senate deserves the poor approval rating they have earned it. not the House.

The Senate must force this lame duck President to veto legislation, and make the minority

Then the rest of the Senate must call out their counterparts. The Senate must step up and clean house in the Senate. The Senate's inaction in the Steven's and Craig issues are part of the problem. It's time for the Senate to lead by example, step up, and help fix this country. To all members of the Senate, you have been an anchor much too long, get off your collective asses and do the job we are paying you for.

If you don't think we must all step up and get involved to fix this Nation, then my friends you are sadly mistaken!!

Angry Fokker

Monday, October 27, 2008

Sarah who?

In a couple of months this will be the attitude about Sarah Palin. She is as forgettable as a bad "B" movie, after a few weeks the title escapes you. I want to thank John McCain for picking such a weak running mate. Huckabee or Romney would have been much tougher to defeat. So Mrs. Palin go back to Alaska, and stay there, because the lower 48 doesn't want you or need your religious, right-wing, prejudice ass around any longer. So tata for now, see you next time, don't let the door hit you in the ass, I would like to say it's been real, but, well you know. High HO you betcha away!

If you think for one minute that this woman should be within 3000 miles of any nuclear arms, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.

Angry Fokker

Sunday, October 26, 2008

First or almost last you choose !!!!!!

We have two presidential candidates. Barrack Obama graduated first in his class at Harvard Law, John McCain was 894 out of 899 in his class at the Naval Academy.

Barrack Obama came from very humble beginnings and rose to where he is today, by hard work and sacrifice.

John McCain came from wealth and power the grandson and son of Admirals. John McCain was basically a legacy to get into the Naval Academy.

Why did one of these candidates take his education so seriously and the other just get squeak by?
Hunger, drive, determination, and grit. How can John McCain be an everyday American? Frankly I don't think he can.

The effort that Barrack put forth in his education is a pre-cursor to his work ethic and determination.

The lack of effort that John put forth in his education shows the lack of those qualities.
John McCain left all he had left in a prison camp in Hanoi, like a prize fighter who took a severe beating, he left it all there. I don't believe at 72 years of age he has enough left in the tank to do the job. The President works 16-18 hour days 7 days a week. Do you really think John McCain has the endurance? Frankly I don't!

And if god forbid anything happened to whomever became President. Who would you want running this country? Joe Biden , or wink wink, you betcha, what does the Vice President do again, Sarah Palin.

Our wonderful Democracy is in trouble. If you truly think John McCain is the answer, then friends I think you are sadly mistaken.

Angry Fokker

Saturday, October 25, 2008

It ain't over till it's over!

Don't think for one second this Presidential race is over! The RNC has sunk to new lows in this election. From robo-calls, racism, hate, intimidation, and lies. Every citizen must get out and vote this election. We must also to be vigilant at our voting venues. I suggest you bring a video recorder and record any improprieties. In past election the inter-cities polling places were manned with armed off duty police officers.This was to intimidate those who fear an don't trust these authority figures. The Black vote is 12% of the population. Deterring this demographic of voters can change an election.

Don't use a provision ballot, unless it is your absolute last option. Most provisional votes end up getting thrown out and don't count. Make your vote count! Bring two forms of identification. Don't let a miss-print or simple clerical error deny you your right to choose. Make sure you get out and vote on November 4th. Don't believe any, and I mean anything written that says you vote on a different day. It is a lie. You have been targeted because they don't want you to exercise your right to vote. This is not hysteria or a conspiracy theory, these are tactics that have been used in the past.

And remember the fight just starts on November 4th. We must all get involved and make a positive change for our nations future. November 5th we must hit the ground running get involved and take our law makers to task.

If you don't believe our children and grandchildren deserve a better nation than what we have now, then my friends, I think you are sadly mistaken.

Angry Fokker

Friday, October 24, 2008

Less Religion More Faith

For thousands of years mankind has fought over religion. Millions have paid the ultimate price in the name of religion.

Organized Religions were created by man to control the masses. God did not create religions, he created faith.

In times of great turmoil and adversity man had to create an avenue to ensure order and tranquility. There was no infrastructure's, like law enforcement,a judicial system, prisons, to control the masses. In a desolate desert where every man was armed, it was a difficult task. The laws of man could not control the masses without an army to carry out the law. So let's raise the stakes, eternal damnation, your soul will be lost for ever, you'll burn in hell. Religion played upon fear in the after life. I am not saying all religion is corrupt or meaningless, I just believe that true faith in what ever higher power you believe in is more powerful and sincere than religion.

I'll use the Mormon's as an example. Imagine being in a wagon train heading west and settling in desolate Utah. Every man was armed, and daily life was a struggle. There wasn't enough to eat or drink, shelter had to be built. So the Mormons created rules on food and water supplies,and many other rules to keep order in this chaotic new setting. These rules became a part of the Mormon religion.

I can't even count the number of religions in this world. Let's just use the top four. Christianity, Judaism, Muslim, Buddhism. Which one is correct? I say none, they were all created by man to control the masses in difficult times and circumstances.

Prior to organized religion societies used to worship gods and deities to control their societies. Human sacrifice, torture, and other forms of terror were used.

Religion was not always used for just controlling the masses. It was also used to bring society together in fellowship and brother and sisterhood.

So why has religion been used so viciously and horrifically by man? The only reason I can think of is, power and control. The Roman Catholics certainly used their religion in this manner. To persecute another human being because of their faith goes against the grain of all faith. It is as unholy and cruel as man can be towards another man.

In my opinion Gods greatest gift to mankind is free will. The choice to choose ones destiny, ones faith. Why would a fair and just God allow mankind freewill? I believe he wanted all of us to decide for ourselves how we choose to live our lives. It makes a lot of sense to me, by giving us free will he also made us take responsibility for our actions, if not in this lifetime then maybe in the next.

So let's all have more faith and less religion, exercise our free will, because too many have perished in the name of religion, if this doesn't make you revisit your faith, then friends I think you are sadly mistaken.

Angry Fokker

Thursday, October 23, 2008


So you're sad because you didn't have another son so you could name him, What?

I love hockey more than you'll ever know. But would I ever be sad because I didn't birth enough children to name one of them after the machine that cleans the rink ice? Are you shitting me? If this doesn't peg your what the f%ck meter, than please check your pulse. When interviewed by Katie your a feminist. A month later you don't want to be labeled. It's hard enough growing up today. But try going through life as Zamboni Palin. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you think this woman is worthy of any political office, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.

Angry Fokker

Separation of Church and State

I have no dog in this fight, but I don't understand all the controversy. Marriage is a religious institution created by religion and acted out in houses of worship. This holy institution is recognized by our Government. Those heterosexual couples that choose to enter into wedlock are afforded tax incentives and rights under law and statue in case of the untimely passing of their spouse.

The US government has no business involving our Government in the definition of marriage. Marriage is a truly religious institution. Our government chooses to acknowledge this religious institution.
By not acknowledging any union of two individuals regardless of sex is prejudicial. These individuals should be afforded the same rights under law and statue as anyone else. Let the Church decide the definition of marriage. Let the government recognize a domestic partnership just as they recognize marriage.

I don't agree or disagree with a lifestyle choice or if predestined sexual preference is a fact.
I just believe that every citizen in this great nation deserves the rights afforded by the Constitution of the United States of America.

In my humble opinion any ruling of the definition of marriage by the Courts, Congress, or any branch of the Government is Unconstitutional.

I hope that some day we can truly separate our Government and Religion. This Country was founded on the principles of religious freedom for all. That includes those who choose not to worship a specific religion.

If you don't realize that more people have died in the name of religion than all the wars, plagues, and natural disasters combined, then my friends you are sadly mistaken!

Angry Fokker

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It was only 79 years ago !!!!!

1929 may seem like an eternity ago for most. The worst economic disaster in this countries young history. In 1929 1% of the population had 90% of this countries wealth. This inequitable distribution of wealth was one of the main causes of the great depression. President Roosevelt's chief economic adviser explained it like this: "It's like a poker game where one player has the majority of the chips at the table. The game can continue only as long as the chip leader can loan chips to the other players until their credit runs out. After this it's game over. " Collapse of financial institutions is game over. When there is no longer working capital left to keep capitalism afloat we have a financial disaster.

Let's move to present day 2008. Again 1% of the population has over 90% of this nations wealth. The bottom fifty percent have less than 1% of the nations wealth. Does this sound familiar? It should've, it happened 79 years ago.

The financial bailout was the feeble attempt to put working capitol back in the system. The problem is that giving these monies to the top 1% only exacerbates the problem. Giving monies to the bottom fifty percent would be a more viable fix to the problem. A redistribution of wealth must occur.

How do we as the middle class help ourselves? We eliminate as much personal debt as we can. We can't sit back and expect our Government to fix this problem. How well did that work for the citizens of New Orleans? I know many people are financially strapped. It can be done a little at a time. There are many books that can help us all become debt free. We must have the fiscal responsibility that our government can't seem to muster. If we the people lead by example then and only then can we take our government to task. Let's rise above our governments hypocrisy, and set the example for them to follow.

Now let's look at the candidates financial plans, one gives more money to the rich, and one wants to distribute wealth.

If you think John McCain's plan to make the rich even richer is the answer, then first you need to bone up on your history, and again friends I think you are sadly mistaken.

Angry Fokker

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fear of a Black Planet "Grandma you can vote for the black guy"

In the 1980's Public enemy had a hit album "Fear of a Black Planet". It spoke of the lack of emergency services in ghetto, and many other social problems in our inter cities.

My greatest fear is, that many who told pollsters they are going to vote for Obama, may have a change of heart. In the dark lonely confines of a voting booth anything can happen. This deep seated fear of relinquishing power and to control to a non-anglo President scares many in our nation. There is no need to fear, soon we will be the minority. This great melting pot will soon be a "COCOA NATION" where interracial marriage will be the norm, not the exception to the rule. We cannot fear this changing of the guard, it is inevitable and will happen in our life time. The group that fears this change the most is white women over the age of 60.

This is my homage to the "Great Schelp" Grandma its ok to vote for the black guy. Again that goes for anyone who fears a black planet, it's ok to vote for the black guy with the funny name.

Don't fear this change, embrace it with open arms, there is nothing you can do to stop it.
My children and grand children are beautiful interracial children. For many years my sons and daughters have had difficulty finding where they belong. Are we more aligned with the black race? I say no you're part of the Human Race. We all are. The pigment of our skin does not dictate your social status, intelligence, or abilities in any way, shape, or form. They are what make us diverse, beautifully different , unique, different from the status quo.

It's time for a change in this country, let a new era of change and hope heal our once great nation.

And remember Grandma it's ok you can vote for the black guy.

If you don't think racism is alive and well in this country, then friends you are sadly mistaken!

Angry Fokker

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Did all Republicans flunk History class?

*This particular blog might have some language some might deem offensive*

Barry Goldwater and the rest of the real Republicans would be rolling over in their graves over the fake Republicans out there today. This wannabe group of right wing, incestuous, sheep humping, hypocrites, "AKA religious right", have no business calling themselves Republicans. This hate mongering, if your not with us your against us, we'll decide what is patriotic, judgmental assholes, can go fuck themselves.

The Roman Catholic church did not want the masses to have their own copies of the Bible. Why is this you ask? Because educated masses are dangerous, they question authority, they can decide for themselves what the printed word means. Education also creates spirited debate and dissenting opinions. A democracy must have this type of diverse thought. Distention and debate are two of the most important checks and balances in a Democracy. Without these checks and balances you have a lock step, don't question authority, because I said so, society.

How dare anyone try to tell citizens of the US that if they don't believe blindly in their government and elected officials they are unpatriotic. This type of lock step, party liner, Neo-nazi attitude is why our founding fathers and sisters left Europe to find freedom in a brave new world.

What do you think that the English citizens and sympathizers thought about our founding fathers?

They considered them terrorist!! Yes our founding fathers were considered terrorist, they fought against the oppressive English for certain freedoms that should be afforded every man, woman, and child.

Our freedoms that we hold so dear, are written in the blood of the patriots that paid the ultimate price to defend them.

How dare Sarah Palin and the rest of her minions tell anyone they are unpatriotic. Who are they to judge anyone?

The world hates America right now. Quite frankly I am embarrassed to be an American right now. Does this make me unpatriotic? I think not !!!!!

It makes me a realist. We wouldn't be in this financial and world opinion disaster if more people stepped up and became cynical. We must question authority, by those we elected to represent us.

They work for us, not the other way around. The tail must not wag the dog any longer !!! We must restore this country to a Government of the People, By the People , For the People. Nothing less will do.

Those who fail to remember history are doomed to repeat it!

Truer words have never been spoken!

If one more fake Republican has the audacity to judge his fellow man, I think they need a firm nut punch to their man-business. I hate to quote the father of communism, but Karl Marx said three things that really ring true today.

1. Give them enough rope to hang themselves. Senators: Stevens and Craig are you listening?

2. Corporate greed will lead to the down fall of capitalism. HMMM: Bailout anyone?

3. Religion is the opiate of the masses. Right wing, party liners, goose stepping is optional, and you won't need Rushes oxycoton any more!

If we choose to lay down like sheep and keep the status quo, then our Great Democracy is doomed. If you don't believe this could be true you are sadly mistaken my friends.

Angry Fokker

Friday, October 17, 2008

Sarah Palin the Ultimate Anti-Feminist !!!!!!!

Over the last ten years we as a country have tried to educate our daughters about body image. The ultra skinny models, anorexic actresses are no longer tre-sheik. Curves are in. It's ok to be a real woman. Education, intelligence, forward thinking, are not traits to be hidden by women.

Sarah Palin does not believe in a woman's right to choose. Sarah Palin is running on a ticket for one reason, she is attractive. Have we as Americans jumped back in to the shallow pool? Since when is education, intelligence, being articulate, the ability to think on your feet, honesty, and for god's sake,actually being qualified for a position, not become a prerequisite for Vice President .

If Sarah Palin resembled Janet Reno we wouldn't even know her name.
What type of beauty pageant mentality is this?

What are we saying to our daughters? All you have to do is be cute, throw out a couple of winks, a few you-betchas, be able to read a tele-prompter, have a fake mid-western accent that would make the cast of Fargo puke, and wow you to can be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

Let's let our daughters know that hard work, intelligence, education, truth , and diligence, can and will enable them to succeed on their own terms.

Don't you think our daughters deserve at least that? If the answer is no,then friends I think you are sadly mistaken.

Angry Fokker

Finally an election to get excited about!

In the seven election cycles I've been eligible to vote in, this is the first time I have ever been truly excited about a candidate!

I have never been a fan of change for the sake of change! I truly believe Barrack Obama can stop the bleeding, and start the breathing in our once great country. Imagine how the world will see us if we elect our first black President? America,"The hypocrisy", becomes, America, "The dream", again. Where the son of a bi-racial marriage and a single parented home can rise up and become President.

What does this say to our youth? It reinforces what we have always believed in this country, work hard, study hard, and the possibilities are endless. Better yet, it proves this fact to the world.

No longer will the rest of the world say: "America, they talk a good game but they don't practice what they preach"! I say let the healing begin. Get out of Iraq, get Bin Laden,restore our once great economy,educate our children and grand children.

The only way this can happen is if we all get out and vote. Let's show the world that we are tired of the status quo, and we just won't take it anymore. We our in control of our destiny, we must act now. This is the most important vote of our lives. Let's create a legacy of hope and change for our future, and our children's, children's future.

If you don't believe your vote has the power to change, you are sadly mistaken my friends.

Angry Fokker

Thursday, October 16, 2008

John McCain is not a friend to veterans!!!

The Federal Government successfully contracted out the Flight service stations in the Continental US. Over 70% of these Federal workers were Veterans. One of these flight service stations is in John McCain's district. When the Senator was approached by the Union that represented these workers, they ask John McCain for help. Many of these workers had just months until they would be eligible for retirement. The Senator was on board until he found out it was only 1500 Veterans. Only 1500 men and women who served their Country with dignity and respect. Imagine working 20 years in a profession only to have your pending retirement annuity ripped away, by stupidity and corporate greed. Lockheed Martin has this government contract, they have not saved US tax payers one thin dime like promised. Ask any General aviation pilot how poor services provided by Lockheed have become.

Your Countries Air Traffic Controllers have not had a contract for over two years. Most facilities are understaffed. Many facilities have over 40 % new employees. Over 60% of them are veterans.

Many of these veterans have been terminated by the FAA simply because they were probationary employees. No other reason. Even when these employee's immediate supervisors and Managers gave them a recommendation to continue employment. The FAA's human resources division refuses to comply with their own HRPM regulations.

I approached Senator McCain about a Veteran, an active reservist in the Navy. This individual was unjustly terminated with three days notice. Senator McCain said he could not help this individual because he was in a probationary status. I then proposed the Veterans Protection Act of 2007.Any Veteran who serves at least one year of active duty is exempt from any Federal probationary period. The Senator refused. So much for our heroes, hey Senator?

The War in Iraq has the greatest amount of activated Reservist in the history of this country. Many reservist have served two, even three tours of duty. They have been on active duty for three years. But because of a catch 22 in the GI bill they are not entitled to the same education benefits as active duty personnel. These individuals have been on active duty as long as many have been on their whole enlistment.
The New GI bill would fix this. Senator McCain voted against it.

The bill to fund body armor for troops and their humvee's, it had earmarks, The Senator voted against it. He voted against body armor because of earmarks, are kidding me?IED's have killed or maimed over fifty percent of the casualties in Iraq. Body and vehicle armor would increase the survivability rate exponentially.

John McCain: He for Veterans when it's more than 1500.
John McCain: He doesn't want all Veterans to get a chance at a college education.
John McCain: You served your country, so what, your fired.
John McCain: Body Armor, who needs body armor.

Do you thing that any human being that endured the torture that John McCain did doesn't wake up in a cold sweat screaming in the middle of the night from, POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.

Angry Fokker

The real heroes are no longer with us!

Hero is a term we throw out like the babies bath water these days. If your in the Military you're a hero. Anything above and beyond normal is now some how heroic. I dare you to ask any living Medal of Honor recipient, and they will tell you they are not heroes. They will tell you they were in a situation that required action. They all rose to the challenge. I believe our real heroes are no longer with us. Our real heroes paid the ultimate price. The American soldier does not fight for a cause, our Country , or Mom and Dad. Each one fights for the man to their left and right. They fight for their brothers in arms. If you think anything different, you are sadly mistaken. I am in noway, shape, or form, discounting any heroic deed that was acknowledged by our Armed Forces.

I think we do our Heroes, like the Fire fighters and Police officers who ran up in the towers to save people they didn't even know a huge disservice by our liberal use of the word Hero. Those who paid ultimate price are truly heroes.

This brings me to what I believe is the most important Presidential election in my 50 years. To become the first Black President in this Country truly takes courage. Colin Powell wouldn't do it. Barrack Obama has put himself, and his family in harms way to become President of these United States, that truly takes courage and intestinal fortitude. Courage is not always measured on the Battle field, or in a POW camp in Vietnam. Eight years of turmoil, War , Poverty , Destruction of our Constitution, Economic Disaster, New Orleans, I could go on and on.

Ask yourself this: Can this Country take four more years of McSame?

Ask an individual who did a heroic deed what separates them from the rest, and I believe you won't get an answer you thought you would.

Angry Fokker