Saturday, November 1, 2008

Racism what's Racism?

As a man in a bi-racial marriage, I see racism on a daily basis. Many people don't realize my wife is Black and Japanese. They say and do things that really just piss me off. I don't think that many White's truly understand how racist they are, and don't even know it. It's very simple, any stereotype or joke is inappropriate, most are hurtful, and rude. Don't assume because you are around your own race you can say anything. This goes for all races.

The pigment of one's skin is based genetically on where your ancestors came from. Through thousands and thousands of years of evolution pigmentation evolved depending on the amount of sunlight in the region. It's that simple.

I have seen the RNC ( Republican National Committee) exploit racism in this Presidential race. It's ugly and contrary to law. John McCain and Sarah Palin have used every trick in the book to discredit Barrack Obama.

They used robo-calls calling Barrack a terrorist. They told Americans that Barrack is a Muslim. What, the Republican party doesn't believe in freedom of religion? The corner stone belief that brought our founding fathers to a brave new world.

They chant Barrack Obama, "kill him at rallies." The Secret Service stands by and allows this hatred and racism.

They accused him of having the same beliefs of his pastor. Guilt by association. I thought we were all innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by a jury of our peers.

It's not Justice, "it's Just us" said Richard Prior for the blacks in this country when it comes to lack of justice.

Racism isn't gone in this country, it's just lying dormant, hidden in the dark corners and fringes of society waiting for the right time to come out into the light. John McCain and Sarah Palin have stood by and allowed this behavior. They have used a fake working class guy named "Joe the Plummer." That's not even his name, and he's not a plummer.

John McCain and Sarah Palin have embraced racism. They have decided to win at any cost. They have thrown the law, humanity , and dignity to the wayside. Is dividing our country, promoting racism, lying to the American public anyway to start a Presidency? Absolutely not! If you have to sacrifice all your principles to get into office then what do you have left? Nothing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The RNC has acted in a deplorable manner, that in my opinion is contrary to

If the Religious right is majority of the republican party , how can you claim to be a Christian and bare false witness against another? You can't, unless your a bunch hypocritical charlatans. How dare you judge anyone. If you so easily choose to throw your core values to the wind, then how can we trust you in any elected government position?

I hope that someday, like the good Dr. King, we can truly let our children come together in peace and brotherhood.

Hatred, Racism, are not inherent traits in humans. These are learned prejudice's. It's passed down from generation to generation. Isn't it time to break these chain's of hate?

If you don't think that Barrack Obama is the face of change and hope that this country needs, then my friends I truly believe, you are sadly mistaken.

Angry Fokker

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