If for one minute you think the FAA hasn't exacted a culture change in Air Traffic than you need to open your eyes. Reduction in pay equates to less dues, weakening NATCA's ability to function in these new and changing times.
Now for the waste, fraud, and abuse the Agency has yet again entered into without any fiscal responsibility.(Saint Louis Hate Fest ring any bells?) Let's add in the pay that all these Management types made while in Atlanta, add in the cost of paying CIC pay and overtime to cover for management, and the total is much higher than the 5 million dollar price tag.
The spike that FAA Management has driven between itself and the workforce is still there, it's just in a dormant state until the next National election cycle. Why in today's world of technology do you need to send every FAA management type to Atlanta? The answer is simple,"You Don't"!!!!!!!!!!! How about teleconference? Maybe have 2 LMR specialist in each service area and send them to one location to get training on the new contract.
What I really need explained is why management can attend FAAMA functions and be in a pay status? Why the PWC can do the same? These two organizations lobby Congress, they pay a membership fee to join and are voluntary. So why are they allowed to basically attend conventions in a pay status? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?????????? This is more in the subtle and not so subtle Union busting techniques the Agency has stooped to in the last four years.
If you think for one second the Agency is going to play nice, you are dumber than you look. It's is time to take the fight to the ring. We must prepare for the future or else every fight we have ever been through is in vain.
Look around in your facility, look at all the new young faces of Air Traffic. It's time to pass the torch to the next generation before it is too late.
FAA Management will never play fair. All the chips have always been stacked in their favor. So if you think the next generation doesn't need to be smarter and more prepared then we were,then my friends we are lost, an you are sadly mistaken.
Happy Holidays,
Angry Fokker
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Let's get back to what matters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After over three years without an contract,a certain group of ultra cool, death defying, Federal employees have a contract. Whew who!!!!!!!!!!! But instead of Managers worrying about what really matters, they still want power and control over dress code and leaving the facility. (MORE TO FOLLOW)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tragedy on the Hudson
I thought long and hard before I decided to blog about this tragedy. To all that lost friends and family my heart goes out to you.
Visual Flight Rules. It's a simple premise, see and be seen. Look left, check left, then turn left. The bottom line is, a pilot under visual flight rules must stay vigilant even when receiving VFR flight following. Many factors add to the complacency that can occur in aviation. Excess traffic calls, false low altitude alerts on radar, conflict alerts on radar when traffic is not a factor, relying on technology instead of flying the aircraft or working Air traffic.
In the late eighties the B737 had a phenomenon called total rudder deflection. Between the speeds of 180-190 knots this deflection could not be corrected by aileron or rudder pedal. Many lives were lost because of humans relying on technology. Many pilots in twin training would have realized the quick fix was cut power to the engine that would counter the rudder yaw. Having their hands on the controls and feeling the aircraft, instead of on autopilot, may have changed this tragic series of events.
The bottom line is, there is no substitute for the human interaction in aviation. No amount of technology will make aviation safer without including human interaction in the mix. Not Nextgen, TCAS, RADAR, VFR flight following, Autopilot, Glass cockpit, GPS, etc., can take the place of see and be seen.
I blame the system for the inherent lack of respect for one simple trait,EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Ask the passengers on Sullies Aircraft what they think about experience!)
The FAA tried to be a regulatory Agency that would run like a business, with customers. Well, we have seen how well that has worked. A regulatory Agency must do just that, regulate. It cannot have customers.
Now it seems public opinion is looking for someone to blame for this tragedy.
Controllers are tasked with multiple responsibilities all the time. Controllers take pride in the fact they can multitask with the best of them. Millions of times in my career controllers have had to talk to aircraft, answer phones, coordinate with other facilities, and perform clerical duties, with no tragic outcome.It has come to be expected of us by our employer.
We have told the FAA it is unsafe to have one person on duty. Our cries fell on deaf ears. I urge you to contact your Congress person and tell them don't let the FAA compromise you and your families safety. There can be no price tag put on safety. Human life does not have a finite price. Who has the right to decide that 1.4 million is acceptable compensation for loss of life? No Agency, No Government, No individual, No CEO. There is no acceptable price for the loss of life in aviation.
Many tragedies are caused by a series or chain of events. One event or all but one event can occur without loss of life. But when the complete chain of events occurs then a tragic outcome is almost always likely.
We have had a mass exodus of experience in the Air Traffic world in the last three years. It will take the Agency at least 8-10 years to stop the bleeding from this loss of experience.The FAA has taken the stakeholders out of the decision making process for the future of Air Traffic.
So I urge every member of the aviation community to be extra vigilant over the next decade. We must accept nothing less than the safe, orderly flow of aviation in our great country. United in safety is the only way to create a safer environment. We cannot let corporate greed or the "good ole boy network" of acquisition and contracting to continue!!!!!!!!!!
If you think that technology can take the place of good operating procedures and experience, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Visual Flight Rules. It's a simple premise, see and be seen. Look left, check left, then turn left. The bottom line is, a pilot under visual flight rules must stay vigilant even when receiving VFR flight following. Many factors add to the complacency that can occur in aviation. Excess traffic calls, false low altitude alerts on radar, conflict alerts on radar when traffic is not a factor, relying on technology instead of flying the aircraft or working Air traffic.
In the late eighties the B737 had a phenomenon called total rudder deflection. Between the speeds of 180-190 knots this deflection could not be corrected by aileron or rudder pedal. Many lives were lost because of humans relying on technology. Many pilots in twin training would have realized the quick fix was cut power to the engine that would counter the rudder yaw. Having their hands on the controls and feeling the aircraft, instead of on autopilot, may have changed this tragic series of events.
The bottom line is, there is no substitute for the human interaction in aviation. No amount of technology will make aviation safer without including human interaction in the mix. Not Nextgen, TCAS, RADAR, VFR flight following, Autopilot, Glass cockpit, GPS, etc., can take the place of see and be seen.
I blame the system for the inherent lack of respect for one simple trait,EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Ask the passengers on Sullies Aircraft what they think about experience!)
The FAA tried to be a regulatory Agency that would run like a business, with customers. Well, we have seen how well that has worked. A regulatory Agency must do just that, regulate. It cannot have customers.
Now it seems public opinion is looking for someone to blame for this tragedy.
Controllers are tasked with multiple responsibilities all the time. Controllers take pride in the fact they can multitask with the best of them. Millions of times in my career controllers have had to talk to aircraft, answer phones, coordinate with other facilities, and perform clerical duties, with no tragic outcome.It has come to be expected of us by our employer.
We have told the FAA it is unsafe to have one person on duty. Our cries fell on deaf ears. I urge you to contact your Congress person and tell them don't let the FAA compromise you and your families safety. There can be no price tag put on safety. Human life does not have a finite price. Who has the right to decide that 1.4 million is acceptable compensation for loss of life? No Agency, No Government, No individual, No CEO. There is no acceptable price for the loss of life in aviation.
Many tragedies are caused by a series or chain of events. One event or all but one event can occur without loss of life. But when the complete chain of events occurs then a tragic outcome is almost always likely.
We have had a mass exodus of experience in the Air Traffic world in the last three years. It will take the Agency at least 8-10 years to stop the bleeding from this loss of experience.The FAA has taken the stakeholders out of the decision making process for the future of Air Traffic.
So I urge every member of the aviation community to be extra vigilant over the next decade. We must accept nothing less than the safe, orderly flow of aviation in our great country. United in safety is the only way to create a safer environment. We cannot let corporate greed or the "good ole boy network" of acquisition and contracting to continue!!!!!!!!!!
If you think that technology can take the place of good operating procedures and experience, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Friday, August 14, 2009
VOTE RINALDI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I urge every member to get out and vote. We must have a greater voter turn out than 7,000. Vote for a fighter. Vote for Rinaldi! We have seen what a bridge builder gets us, absolutely nothing. Patty Cakes is a prime example. I really like Ruth, but I don't see her as a fighter. I see Ruth as a bridge builder. The agency will come out swinging, I guarantee you that. So we must have a fighter to fix this mess once and for all.
If you think that education alone makes a good leader, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
If you think that education alone makes a good leader, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Monday, August 3, 2009
Those who fail to remember their history are doomed to repeat it!!!!
28 years ago today 15,000 Brothers and Sisters went on strike against the United States Government. Allegedly they were breaking the law. These brave souls stood up against the most powerful Government in the world, to fight for what they believed was fair and just.
They paid the ultimate price. They were fired by the man they helped elect. Then they named an airport after this former actor/governor/president. What a slap in the face.
Anyone who was hired after 1981 has a job because of the sacrifices this brave group paid for organized Federal labor. What they accomplished was unprecedented and will never be repeated in the history of Federal labor.
These Brothers and Sisters were arrested, harassed by the FBI, threatened, and were summarily fired.
I don't think that this organization would ever have the esprit De core, intestinal fortitude, brother and sisterhood, or the balls to pull off this feat.
I honor every PATCO Brother and Sisters memory on this anniversary.
I have had the extreme pleasure and honor to stand beside BJ Florence (Billy Jack) Valerie and Bob Butterworth (The Sis and The Prez) Dominic Torchia (The Wiz).
To the real Brothers and Sisters, the Choir boys, and all the thousands that will remain nameless, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
These Brothers and Sisters, even in retirement continue to fight for NATCA. Whether it is attending a regional meeting, the convention, Boots on the ground, they continue to fight tirelessly for each and every one of us. Each and every one of us owes them a debt we can never repay.
I right this blog today in honor of these brave Brothers and Sisters with nothing but love and admiration.
If you don't think this brave group paved the way and sacrificed it all for what they believed in, then my friends, you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
They paid the ultimate price. They were fired by the man they helped elect. Then they named an airport after this former actor/governor/president. What a slap in the face.
Anyone who was hired after 1981 has a job because of the sacrifices this brave group paid for organized Federal labor. What they accomplished was unprecedented and will never be repeated in the history of Federal labor.
These Brothers and Sisters were arrested, harassed by the FBI, threatened, and were summarily fired.
I don't think that this organization would ever have the esprit De core, intestinal fortitude, brother and sisterhood, or the balls to pull off this feat.
I honor every PATCO Brother and Sisters memory on this anniversary.
I have had the extreme pleasure and honor to stand beside BJ Florence (Billy Jack) Valerie and Bob Butterworth (The Sis and The Prez) Dominic Torchia (The Wiz).
To the real Brothers and Sisters, the Choir boys, and all the thousands that will remain nameless, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
These Brothers and Sisters, even in retirement continue to fight for NATCA. Whether it is attending a regional meeting, the convention, Boots on the ground, they continue to fight tirelessly for each and every one of us. Each and every one of us owes them a debt we can never repay.
I right this blog today in honor of these brave Brothers and Sisters with nothing but love and admiration.
If you don't think this brave group paved the way and sacrificed it all for what they believed in, then my friends, you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Sunday, August 2, 2009
I called it June 6th 2009 !!!!!!!!
Well put a fork in ya "Patty Cakes", you are done! I hate to say I told you so, but I did on June 6th. So Pat don't let the door hit you where the good lord split ya, TTFN, See you next time, Parting is such sweet sorrow, Not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's time to move on. Let the new Eboard lead us out of the dark, dreary, damp never never, we have been forced into for the last three years. Good luck to both candidates. I will vote for Ruth. We need a change. It's CIC time. (Chicks in Charge) Let's see how different the outlook will be for the next generation. I hope it is so bright they have to wear shades. This is a great profession, we need members and leadership that foster that simple truth. Don't ever forget what we have been through. And please don't forget where we need to go from here.
If you think that half truths, secrecy, non-confrontational policies, censoring your membership are traits of a good leader, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.
Anyone but Pat in 2009
Angry Fokker
If you think that half truths, secrecy, non-confrontational policies, censoring your membership are traits of a good leader, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.
Anyone but Pat in 2009
Angry Fokker
Saturday, June 27, 2009
What story will you tell? What song will you sing?
The Aboriginals believe the measure of a man is the adventures he lives and the story he is able to tell from those adventures. Man and nature are connected in every way imaginable. Every action can be sung or the story can be told to the next generation. This pure truth is, all history is either, written, drawn, signed, sung, or told in every society from the very beginning of mankind. Every society is doomed to suffer from it's simple lack of documented history. Every society, generation, or civilization must record it's history, this protects the next generation from the failures and misgivings of the last.
We (NATCA) have many Brothers, like "The Wiz" , "The Prez" "Billy Jack" just to name a few, that have been shut out from sharing our history with the next generation.They have not been able to sing their song or tell their story. They have earned the right to tell their stories a thousand times over.(None were picked for the Retired Natcavist program) A former supervisor, turned brother twice was. This is a huge slap in the face to these great brothers.
Those who fail to remember their history are doomed to repeat it. Even a simple society from one of the birthplaces of civilization knows this simple truth.
If you don't have the Balls to sing your song or tell your story, then my friends your adventures are wasted, your song is lost, and you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
We (NATCA) have many Brothers, like "The Wiz" , "The Prez" "Billy Jack" just to name a few, that have been shut out from sharing our history with the next generation.They have not been able to sing their song or tell their story. They have earned the right to tell their stories a thousand times over.(None were picked for the Retired Natcavist program) A former supervisor, turned brother twice was. This is a huge slap in the face to these great brothers.
Those who fail to remember their history are doomed to repeat it. Even a simple society from one of the birthplaces of civilization knows this simple truth.
If you don't have the Balls to sing your song or tell your story, then my friends your adventures are wasted, your song is lost, and you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Friday, June 26, 2009
Hey Patty Cakes Karma's a Bitch Eh???????
Like a bad rap line from Shaquille Oneil the NEB is asking: "Pat how does our ass taste?" Well I would assume not very good, huh Patty? I just love the fact that you reap what you sew has come around to biting good ole Patty Cakes right in the ass.
What really pisses me off, is the fact the NEB has done this at the cost of informing it's membership. Knowledge is power boys and girls!!!!!!! Facrep 101, keep the membership informed, period end of discussion! How long would any Eboard member have lasted at the facility level as a Rep if they pulled this bullshit? Not a whole term I guarantee you that. So how can you justify holding back information from the membership? You can't!!!!!! NEB you each get one fucking vote like every other member in good standing. Let the membership decide their own fate. If the membership is dumb enough to reelect Pat then they get what they deserve. NEB don't you try to fix the election in favor of anyone. Pat deserves everything he is getting, but the membership does not. Take it from a member who has been censored by Patty Cakes, let the cards fall how they may. NEB you have sunk to the level you tried to prevent from becoming reelected, now you are no better than Patty Cakes, maybe even worse. So where do we go from here? Every Management weenie who knows the agreements outcome will share it with any young impressionable mind willing to listen. Once again we (NATCA) look like shit, again. Thanks!
If you don't think dirty politics cost everyone, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
What really pisses me off, is the fact the NEB has done this at the cost of informing it's membership. Knowledge is power boys and girls!!!!!!! Facrep 101, keep the membership informed, period end of discussion! How long would any Eboard member have lasted at the facility level as a Rep if they pulled this bullshit? Not a whole term I guarantee you that. So how can you justify holding back information from the membership? You can't!!!!!! NEB you each get one fucking vote like every other member in good standing. Let the membership decide their own fate. If the membership is dumb enough to reelect Pat then they get what they deserve. NEB don't you try to fix the election in favor of anyone. Pat deserves everything he is getting, but the membership does not. Take it from a member who has been censored by Patty Cakes, let the cards fall how they may. NEB you have sunk to the level you tried to prevent from becoming reelected, now you are no better than Patty Cakes, maybe even worse. So where do we go from here? Every Management weenie who knows the agreements outcome will share it with any young impressionable mind willing to listen. Once again we (NATCA) look like shit, again. Thanks!
If you don't think dirty politics cost everyone, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Sunday, June 14, 2009
NATCA ELECTIONS Let's put the emotions aside!
My take on the candidates is simply this. What have you accomplished to earn my vote?
Presidential candidates: (Ruth Marlin): Great political background, former EVP, great with NATCA treasury duties, Never a Facrep, not a great LMR backround. Good public speaker. Good at the written word.
Paul Rinaldi: Current EVP, good LMR background, former RVP, guilty by association with current leadership.Very passionate, hard working brother.
Pat Forrey: Current President NATCA, former RVP, Not a great public speaker, Written updates are few and far between,takes credit for work that is not his,circumvents the convention body on issues, Most Facreps fired, most discipline/ suspensions issued to bargaining unit members in the history of NATCA, no contract, no back pay, no agreement reached between the parties and ratified by the membership, secrecy,lock out of the EVP from all political meetings, censorship and lifetime ban of members in good standing from NATCA BBS a Union benefit, no return to green book, no fix of Title 49, no Executive order for permissive bargaining rights,lied about his use of the Main Bang, lied about his position on Obama transition team.
Executive Vice President candidates: Trish Gilbert: Incredible in the political arena for NATCA ( BOOTS ON THE GROUND)Former center Facrep, well rounded in both LMR and Lobbying /Political arena.
Rich Santa: Current Center Facrep, Well liked by his membership, took time to visit many small facilities on the campaign trail, Good speaker, keeps his membership updated at all times, Grass roots activist for NATCA issues, good at a team concept.
These are my honest opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of our candidates.
I feel that the proof is in the actions of each Brother or Sister. What has each done for this organization? What they will do? How effective were they?
I appreciate loyalty, but it is time for a change in NATCA. Pat in my opinion has failed miserably. I have not written one thing about any candidate out of disdain or emotions. I believe I have done my homework. The facts speak for themselves, please do the research for yourself. I find it very disheartening that a group of highly intelligent, motivated professionals would blindly vote for Pat. I now understand how most of America was bilked by "W". But what I failed to see three years ago was how over 50 percent of NATCA could be bilked by Pat. How can this happen to a group of informed, intelligent, professionals? Propaganda, lies, laziness, complacency,and change for the sake of change? That's how!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's not let history repeat itself. Our profession, our membership and organization cannot afford another three years like the last.
If you don't think it pains me deeply in my heart and soul to have to throw any brother or sister under the bus, then my friends you don't know the Fokker and are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Presidential candidates: (Ruth Marlin): Great political background, former EVP, great with NATCA treasury duties, Never a Facrep, not a great LMR backround. Good public speaker. Good at the written word.
Paul Rinaldi: Current EVP, good LMR background, former RVP, guilty by association with current leadership.Very passionate, hard working brother.
Pat Forrey: Current President NATCA, former RVP, Not a great public speaker, Written updates are few and far between,takes credit for work that is not his,circumvents the convention body on issues, Most Facreps fired, most discipline/ suspensions issued to bargaining unit members in the history of NATCA, no contract, no back pay, no agreement reached between the parties and ratified by the membership, secrecy,lock out of the EVP from all political meetings, censorship and lifetime ban of members in good standing from NATCA BBS a Union benefit, no return to green book, no fix of Title 49, no Executive order for permissive bargaining rights,lied about his use of the Main Bang, lied about his position on Obama transition team.
Executive Vice President candidates: Trish Gilbert: Incredible in the political arena for NATCA ( BOOTS ON THE GROUND)Former center Facrep, well rounded in both LMR and Lobbying /Political arena.
Rich Santa: Current Center Facrep, Well liked by his membership, took time to visit many small facilities on the campaign trail, Good speaker, keeps his membership updated at all times, Grass roots activist for NATCA issues, good at a team concept.
These are my honest opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of our candidates.
I feel that the proof is in the actions of each Brother or Sister. What has each done for this organization? What they will do? How effective were they?
I appreciate loyalty, but it is time for a change in NATCA. Pat in my opinion has failed miserably. I have not written one thing about any candidate out of disdain or emotions. I believe I have done my homework. The facts speak for themselves, please do the research for yourself. I find it very disheartening that a group of highly intelligent, motivated professionals would blindly vote for Pat. I now understand how most of America was bilked by "W". But what I failed to see three years ago was how over 50 percent of NATCA could be bilked by Pat. How can this happen to a group of informed, intelligent, professionals? Propaganda, lies, laziness, complacency,and change for the sake of change? That's how!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's not let history repeat itself. Our profession, our membership and organization cannot afford another three years like the last.
If you don't think it pains me deeply in my heart and soul to have to throw any brother or sister under the bus, then my friends you don't know the Fokker and are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
6-10-2009 WTFO PATTY-CAKES??????????????????
So where's the great news Napoleon? I guess we will all just have to wait for the new Main Bang. I love free speech. Hey Pat, go fuck yourself. Thanks for nothing, again.
Anyone but Patty-cakes 2009
Angry Fokker
Anyone but Patty-cakes 2009
Angry Fokker
Saturday, June 6, 2009
BOHICA Forrey style.
Well Patty-cakes is at it again. Now he is putting out updates on the mediation through his reelection committee site. A oversight you say? No, an outright misuse of position and funding. Is this a violation of D.O.L. regulations? Buehler?
How about a Congressman making a video pitching for Patty-cakes. D.O.L. violation? Again Buehler? Anyone?
Is it just me? Or is this so unethical it's sickening? You cannot put out a Presidential update to the membership under the guise of reelection. At least those of us who are banned for life finally got an update. Not!!!!!!! And no Pat I won't make you a friend on my facebook, so fuck off. Just resign, please!!!!! Do it for the membership you are supposed to be representing. You have never acted in their best interest, just yours!!!!!!!!!! If you gave one shit about NATCA you would resign today!!!!!!! You have wasted three years of our lives. You have accomplished nothing.
Our language has passed in the House. Our language is in the Senate bill. Why not roll the dice for once, and let the Senate fix this. Then we go back to the green book,start negotiations over from jump street. Only this avenue gives us a real shot at an agreement ratified by the membership.
What do we get to ratify under mediation? Not a fucking thing Patty-cakes. You state over and over and over again you want to reach an agreement that can be ratified by the membership. You fucking liar. We won't ratify shit under mediation. Tell the bargaining unit why you fucked them again. Oh, so you could time this to best serve your chances at getting reelected.
Here is how it will go down Patty-cakes. There will be a runoff between Paul and Ruth. Your done, put a fork in yah. So why not go out like a champ? No you prefer to be a chump. You are and embarrassment to your position and our profession. Don't go away mad, just go away. TTFN
Hugs and kisses,
Angry Fokker
How about a Congressman making a video pitching for Patty-cakes. D.O.L. violation? Again Buehler? Anyone?
Is it just me? Or is this so unethical it's sickening? You cannot put out a Presidential update to the membership under the guise of reelection. At least those of us who are banned for life finally got an update. Not!!!!!!! And no Pat I won't make you a friend on my facebook, so fuck off. Just resign, please!!!!! Do it for the membership you are supposed to be representing. You have never acted in their best interest, just yours!!!!!!!!!! If you gave one shit about NATCA you would resign today!!!!!!! You have wasted three years of our lives. You have accomplished nothing.
Our language has passed in the House. Our language is in the Senate bill. Why not roll the dice for once, and let the Senate fix this. Then we go back to the green book,start negotiations over from jump street. Only this avenue gives us a real shot at an agreement ratified by the membership.
What do we get to ratify under mediation? Not a fucking thing Patty-cakes. You state over and over and over again you want to reach an agreement that can be ratified by the membership. You fucking liar. We won't ratify shit under mediation. Tell the bargaining unit why you fucked them again. Oh, so you could time this to best serve your chances at getting reelected.
Here is how it will go down Patty-cakes. There will be a runoff between Paul and Ruth. Your done, put a fork in yah. So why not go out like a champ? No you prefer to be a chump. You are and embarrassment to your position and our profession. Don't go away mad, just go away. TTFN
Hugs and kisses,
Angry Fokker
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The Greatest Generation
I thought long and hard about what I was going to say for Memorial day. I know it was a week ago. In my opinion we live in the Country we do today because of one group of Heroes. I don't use the term hero often. Our World War II veterans gave us a chance to become the greatest country on this earth. From the deserts of North Africa, to the South Pacific, and all through Europe, this generation fought until they died, were wounded, or the war was over. There were no 13 month rotations. You were in it for the long haul. Americans lined up in groves to join the Military. Those who couldn't fight produced war goods,rationed gas and food. This great generation did what ever it took to over come one of the greatest evils in the History of mankind.
To all that have served this great country I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!! To my Marines Semper Fi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So the next time you see that elderly couple in a restaurant, and the gentleman is wearing a WWII hat or jacket, thank him, no better yet buy them breakfast. It's the least you could do for all the sacrifices they made for our great Country. My fathers best friend Luther was a POW twice in Germany. He escaped twice and went back to fight after each escape. My great Uncle has lived with pain for 60 years from the shrapnel still in his body to this day. He never complained once. He could barely afford the prescriptions he needed to deal with his injuries. The VA never assisted him until a few years ago. This generation are the real heroes in my opinion. They did what ever it took to become victorious, because failure was not an
War is the last resort. War is the most inhumane act between mankind. In the Animal world it's survival of the fittest. A natural order made to keep balance between the species. It may seem quite cruel to see a lioness tear apart a wilder beast. The fact is the whole pride will eat from that kill. The natural order of over crowding of a species is taken care of out of necessity. In the animal kingdom the war is over survival. For mankind it is far more sinister. War is over religion, or imposing ones will over another group or society. I will never forget the sacrifices this generation made for America, I only pray you don't either.
If you don't believe this generation were truly heroes, then you should be fluent in Japanese or German, and my friends you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
To all that have served this great country I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!! To my Marines Semper Fi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So the next time you see that elderly couple in a restaurant, and the gentleman is wearing a WWII hat or jacket, thank him, no better yet buy them breakfast. It's the least you could do for all the sacrifices they made for our great Country. My fathers best friend Luther was a POW twice in Germany. He escaped twice and went back to fight after each escape. My great Uncle has lived with pain for 60 years from the shrapnel still in his body to this day. He never complained once. He could barely afford the prescriptions he needed to deal with his injuries. The VA never assisted him until a few years ago. This generation are the real heroes in my opinion. They did what ever it took to become victorious, because failure was not an
War is the last resort. War is the most inhumane act between mankind. In the Animal world it's survival of the fittest. A natural order made to keep balance between the species. It may seem quite cruel to see a lioness tear apart a wilder beast. The fact is the whole pride will eat from that kill. The natural order of over crowding of a species is taken care of out of necessity. In the animal kingdom the war is over survival. For mankind it is far more sinister. War is over religion, or imposing ones will over another group or society. I will never forget the sacrifices this generation made for America, I only pray you don't either.
If you don't believe this generation were truly heroes, then you should be fluent in Japanese or German, and my friends you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
CHUCK YOU FARLEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or should I say Forrey?
Patty-Cakes has just masterminded the greatest lockout of a bargaining unit in the history of Labor. Mediation= No ratification by the membership. Any article that goes to mediation, we are force fed the mediators decision. We have to eat what Patty-Cakes serves us up, period end of discussion. This complete lockout of the bargaining unit from ratification of a real agreement is criminal. It's a fucking crying shame. I am a member, to have a say, not to be silenced by a power hungry, fucktard. If you vote for Pat you are a fucking moron, and have absolutely no business vectoring aircraft, ever!!!!!! You are a danger to the flying public and this organization. Pull your collective heads out of your non-collective, non-bargaining agreement asses for one second, wake up and smell the fucking coffee.I just can't believe what an ass raping we are taking from our own President. No Jimmy Ray, that's not a good thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just hope our once great organization can bounce back from Patty-Cakes and W's attempts to destroy us.
"Anyone but Pat in 2009"
If you don't think this organization is in great peril, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Patty-Cakes has just masterminded the greatest lockout of a bargaining unit in the history of Labor. Mediation= No ratification by the membership. Any article that goes to mediation, we are force fed the mediators decision. We have to eat what Patty-Cakes serves us up, period end of discussion. This complete lockout of the bargaining unit from ratification of a real agreement is criminal. It's a fucking crying shame. I am a member, to have a say, not to be silenced by a power hungry, fucktard. If you vote for Pat you are a fucking moron, and have absolutely no business vectoring aircraft, ever!!!!!! You are a danger to the flying public and this organization. Pull your collective heads out of your non-collective, non-bargaining agreement asses for one second, wake up and smell the fucking coffee.I just can't believe what an ass raping we are taking from our own President. No Jimmy Ray, that's not a good thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just hope our once great organization can bounce back from Patty-Cakes and W's attempts to destroy us.
"Anyone but Pat in 2009"
If you don't think this organization is in great peril, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Saturday, May 23, 2009
37 days until I'm eligible.
It's scary, down right frightening, and invigorating all at the same time. I want to see where the chips fall after this mediation session is complete. There is a large bucket of payback waiting for some really evil people here in aviation land. I hope the next generation finally gets paid what you deserved all along.Becoming successful in this demanding occupation is a badge of courage, that should not be taken lightly. You are members of a very elite club, regardless of what (mangelment wants to tell you.) "intentionally misspelled for effect" I am just not ready to hand you the torch just yet. We need to fix this broken agency. I still have a fastball, and can still strike out the side. So until they really piss me off, or Pat fucks us beyond repair, your stuck with the Fokker.
"Anyone but Pat in 2009"
If you think it's time to bail now, before we fix this broken agency, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
"Anyone but Pat in 2009"
If you think it's time to bail now, before we fix this broken agency, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I really wish I could support our current leadership here in aviation land.
I truly know how important solidarity is to an organization like ours. But I just can't seem to get past what Pat has done in his tenure as our President. You don't circumvent the supreme convention body that represents every member lock, stock, and barrel!!!! It's just not done. You don't leave a Union Brother or Sister behind. You just don't do it. You don't have secrets from your membership. It's just not right. You don't lie to your membership. It's not the way to garner support or instill trust. You don't lock out your EVP from any White House meetings because they are running against you in the upcoming election. Solidarity starts at the top. What does this division of the House do for this organization? It's makes it weak. What example have you set for the next generation. ME ME ME, nothing else matters. I don't know what else to do. I have to let our leadership know how I feel.
Banned from the BBS for life. Why because I typed F4ck just like the author of the post. I am a member in good standing. I have the same rights has the rest of the membership, correct? No, I can't even get updates on the BBS from our own President. I can't stay informed. Do I get a dues rebate, or reduction, absolutely not!!!!!!!! Bottom line we don't censor each other. We have become so much like the F$$ that it sickens me. I think I just threw up in my mouth. The same Administration that is trying to destroy our organization and our profession is who we choose to imitate. The same evil leadership that put us in this predicament is who we choose to follow. We have to be better than this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I shouldn't have to throw Pat under the bus. I should be able to engage in robust debate and agree to disagree. This is what made our organization great, free thought,brain storming, and an occasional fuck you over cocktails at the bar. Many of our greatest ideas have come from robust debate and an F-bomb or two.Too many people greater than anyone of us have paid the ultimate price with their lives to protect our freedoms. Don't let their sacrifice be in vain. Don't call a brother a brother or a sister a sister if you aren't going to run up the hill and give your whole heart and soul with them. Solidarity is not just a catch phrase, It is the backbone of any labor organization. Ours is no different.
Let's hand the torch to the next generation with proud memories of what we have accomplished together. Let's leave this great profession with our heads held high knowing we made it better for the flying public and the next generation of brothers and sisters that will continue in our fight for safety above all.
"Anyone but Pat in 2009"
If you think we don't need to fix ourselves first, and then set an example for the next generation, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
I really wish I could support our current leadership here in aviation land.
I truly know how important solidarity is to an organization like ours. But I just can't seem to get past what Pat has done in his tenure as our President. You don't circumvent the supreme convention body that represents every member lock, stock, and barrel!!!! It's just not done. You don't leave a Union Brother or Sister behind. You just don't do it. You don't have secrets from your membership. It's just not right. You don't lie to your membership. It's not the way to garner support or instill trust. You don't lock out your EVP from any White House meetings because they are running against you in the upcoming election. Solidarity starts at the top. What does this division of the House do for this organization? It's makes it weak. What example have you set for the next generation. ME ME ME, nothing else matters. I don't know what else to do. I have to let our leadership know how I feel.
Banned from the BBS for life. Why because I typed F4ck just like the author of the post. I am a member in good standing. I have the same rights has the rest of the membership, correct? No, I can't even get updates on the BBS from our own President. I can't stay informed. Do I get a dues rebate, or reduction, absolutely not!!!!!!!! Bottom line we don't censor each other. We have become so much like the F$$ that it sickens me. I think I just threw up in my mouth. The same Administration that is trying to destroy our organization and our profession is who we choose to imitate. The same evil leadership that put us in this predicament is who we choose to follow. We have to be better than this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I shouldn't have to throw Pat under the bus. I should be able to engage in robust debate and agree to disagree. This is what made our organization great, free thought,brain storming, and an occasional fuck you over cocktails at the bar. Many of our greatest ideas have come from robust debate and an F-bomb or two.Too many people greater than anyone of us have paid the ultimate price with their lives to protect our freedoms. Don't let their sacrifice be in vain. Don't call a brother a brother or a sister a sister if you aren't going to run up the hill and give your whole heart and soul with them. Solidarity is not just a catch phrase, It is the backbone of any labor organization. Ours is no different.
Let's hand the torch to the next generation with proud memories of what we have accomplished together. Let's leave this great profession with our heads held high knowing we made it better for the flying public and the next generation of brothers and sisters that will continue in our fight for safety above all.
"Anyone but Pat in 2009"
If you think we don't need to fix ourselves first, and then set an example for the next generation, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Friday, May 15, 2009
Eleven reasons why Pat sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. His ego won't let him put the right people in the position to negotiate for us.
2. He takes everything personal even Paul running against him. ( Can you say lock out)
3. Pat has wasted three years and accomplished what? Notta...Zip...Nuttin....Honey!
4. Pat likes to steal the credit for the hard work of others. His ego won't let him do anything else.
5. Pat has a little man complex, and can't get over it.
6. Pat lied about his position on the Obama transition team.
7. Pat doesn't care about the smaller facilities. (We have no representation on the mediation team.)
8. Pat would sell his soul to get reelected. Wow: what timing for mediation right before the election. I think we could have gone back to the green book, and then back to the negotiation table. But that wouldn't help Pat win the election.
9. Pat rewards loyalty just like "W" blindly and with impunity.
10. Pat has never had the best interest of this organization in his heart, it's all about the power. The power to censor dissenting opinions, power to circumvent the membership, power to do what he feels is correct no matter what the members he represents or the Executive board he serves with tell him.
11. And last but certainly not least just because his butt really, really, stinks, LOL.
If you think Pat is the answer, then my friends you are so sadly mistaken.
"Anyone but Pat in 2009"
Angry Fokker
2. He takes everything personal even Paul running against him. ( Can you say lock out)
3. Pat has wasted three years and accomplished what? Notta...Zip...Nuttin....Honey!
4. Pat likes to steal the credit for the hard work of others. His ego won't let him do anything else.
5. Pat has a little man complex, and can't get over it.
6. Pat lied about his position on the Obama transition team.
7. Pat doesn't care about the smaller facilities. (We have no representation on the mediation team.)
8. Pat would sell his soul to get reelected. Wow: what timing for mediation right before the election. I think we could have gone back to the green book, and then back to the negotiation table. But that wouldn't help Pat win the election.
9. Pat rewards loyalty just like "W" blindly and with impunity.
10. Pat has never had the best interest of this organization in his heart, it's all about the power. The power to censor dissenting opinions, power to circumvent the membership, power to do what he feels is correct no matter what the members he represents or the Executive board he serves with tell him.
11. And last but certainly not least just because his butt really, really, stinks, LOL.
If you think Pat is the answer, then my friends you are so sadly mistaken.
"Anyone but Pat in 2009"
Angry Fokker
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
ANYONE BUT PAT IN 2009 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When you represent a bargaining unit, you represent them, you don't censor, berate,question,or coerce them. You look out for the best interests of the members you are paid to represent. You work for your members, not the other way around. You can be replaced!!!!!!! When the membership speaks, regardless of your personal feelings you obey. You don't try to circumvent, undermine, or disregard their wishes because of your Napoleon complex or ego. Pat is a miserable,weak, and lousy President of our organization. Three years without a contract. Three years of secrecy. Three years wasted trying to play nice. If you really cared about this organization you would have let the past President finish what he started. Instead you and a few of the RVP's got your feelings hurt when you got bitch slapped for your unprofessional behavior. When our past President expected a level of professional conduct from his executive board you started a mutiny. So Pat wasted two years learning about the Beltway, establishing relationships with Washington insiders, at our expense. He lied about his position in the Obama transition team. I say enough is enough. It's time for the Midwest Brother's and Sister's to pull their heads out of their collective asses, and vote for a real change in this organization. I don't care who you vote for, as long as it is not Pat. And quite frankly I don't give a rats ass if anyone is offended in the Midwest. You are the same dumb fucks that voted for "W" twice.
If you think that lies,secrecy,lack of intestinal fortitude,big ego, little peepee, are signs of a good leader, than my friends you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
When you represent a bargaining unit, you represent them, you don't censor, berate,question,or coerce them. You look out for the best interests of the members you are paid to represent. You work for your members, not the other way around. You can be replaced!!!!!!! When the membership speaks, regardless of your personal feelings you obey. You don't try to circumvent, undermine, or disregard their wishes because of your Napoleon complex or ego. Pat is a miserable,weak, and lousy President of our organization. Three years without a contract. Three years of secrecy. Three years wasted trying to play nice. If you really cared about this organization you would have let the past President finish what he started. Instead you and a few of the RVP's got your feelings hurt when you got bitch slapped for your unprofessional behavior. When our past President expected a level of professional conduct from his executive board you started a mutiny. So Pat wasted two years learning about the Beltway, establishing relationships with Washington insiders, at our expense. He lied about his position in the Obama transition team. I say enough is enough. It's time for the Midwest Brother's and Sister's to pull their heads out of their collective asses, and vote for a real change in this organization. I don't care who you vote for, as long as it is not Pat. And quite frankly I don't give a rats ass if anyone is offended in the Midwest. You are the same dumb fucks that voted for "W" twice.
If you think that lies,secrecy,lack of intestinal fortitude,big ego, little peepee, are signs of a good leader, than my friends you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Don't even try it Pat !!!!!!!
Mediation to fix the Air Traffic disaster is a great start. But it is just a start. I hope the President of the Controllers Union doesn't try to take credit for the administration keeping their promises to the 15,000 controllers.I really hope we have a fix to this mess prior to the 4 year anniversary of the Nontract. Don't let the timing of this fortuitous event be muddled by lies to get reelected to the NATCA Presidency. Pat has done little or nothing for this Union. He has circumvented the Convention body in the Bob/John fiasco. He selectively enforces the will of the Convention body only when it suits his own agenda. The censorship of your membership for lifetime from a bulletin board that is a Union benefit to all members in good standing is Unconstitutional. This amendment should have been ruled out of order. But why not have a tool to control dissidence Mr. Stalin, I mean Mr. Pat. Your lack of leadership, foresight, and just balls in general, have enabled the Agency to just about destroy our great profession. I say shame on you Pat. Go back to what ever little rock In Ohio your crawled out of, put your head down in shame and go, just get the fuck out of Dodge, don't let the door we paid for hit you in the ass. We don't need you and don't want you, never did!!!!!!!
If your think that "Mr. Pat Whats That" is the answer, then my friends you are sadly mistaken, and I'm really glad June 30th is almost here.
Angry Fokker
If your think that "Mr. Pat Whats That" is the answer, then my friends you are sadly mistaken, and I'm really glad June 30th is almost here.
Angry Fokker
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Curiosity killed the Cat!!!!!!!!!
So I go to my credit Union to withdraw forty dollars. I park right in front of the ATM, the curb is yellow. As I am walking out to the the ATM this older gentleman says, "I guess some people just can't read". I advise the gentleman, "Don't be a fucking smart ass." He's says to the man next to him, "Did you hear what he said to me?" I repeat myself, "Yah I said don't be a fucking smart ass."
What makes people write checks with their mouths that their asses can't cover? Did he really have to put in his two cents? Is he the unofficial Credit Union parking monitor? I don't know why it pissed me off so much, but it did. I think more people need to mind their own business. Curiosity killed the cat is a saying for a reason. If you hear gun shots run, don't ask what are you shooting at, moron, because the answer will be you.
Have we become such a big brother society with our camera phones, video phones, traffic cameras, etc.? I am sure he had better things to do, then open his big fucking mouth and tell me what I already know. Sometimes we need to take ourselves less serious. Life is too short for all this petty bullshit. I felt bad because of how I let this individual ruin that portion of my day.
So to all you out of work comedians, self proclaimed parking monitors, and just all around smart asses, how about you all just take a huge sip of shut the fuck up punch for one day. The world would be a much better place.
If you don't think you need to take responsibility for what you say and do in this life, then my friends I think you are sadly mistaken!!!!!
Angry Fokker
What makes people write checks with their mouths that their asses can't cover? Did he really have to put in his two cents? Is he the unofficial Credit Union parking monitor? I don't know why it pissed me off so much, but it did. I think more people need to mind their own business. Curiosity killed the cat is a saying for a reason. If you hear gun shots run, don't ask what are you shooting at, moron, because the answer will be you.
Have we become such a big brother society with our camera phones, video phones, traffic cameras, etc.? I am sure he had better things to do, then open his big fucking mouth and tell me what I already know. Sometimes we need to take ourselves less serious. Life is too short for all this petty bullshit. I felt bad because of how I let this individual ruin that portion of my day.
So to all you out of work comedians, self proclaimed parking monitors, and just all around smart asses, how about you all just take a huge sip of shut the fuck up punch for one day. The world would be a much better place.
If you don't think you need to take responsibility for what you say and do in this life, then my friends I think you are sadly mistaken!!!!!
Angry Fokker
Monday, February 16, 2009
So this is my midlife crisis!
As I look back in retrospect at my life I wonder, what if I had done things differently? Why didn't I do this when I was younger? I could have traveled, or stayed in college, learned a musical instrument at and early age, kept playing golf etc. Why why why why? Is this my destiny? Why at this point in our lives do we tend to second guess ourselves? I don't feel the need for a sports car. I don't have a young girlfriend. So why do I feel life is passing me by? I really just don't know the answers to these questions and it pisses me off. I think now I understand the phrase: "Youth is wasted on the young." When we are young enough to do certain things in life, we often times don't have the monetary means to do so. And when we finally have the means we are older and wonder why in the %$#@ am I trying this now?
There are many things I would change in this life if given the chance. Oh regrets can sometimes almost paralyze us. Well I say the hell with regrets, so I'm not perfect, who in the hell is? I just know that we all wish sometimes we could turn back the clock and change the past. I know I do!!!!! I should just be able to sit back and say look what I have done with this life and be happy.
But it's like searching for that elusive Yettie, wondering what is beyond the next mountain, above the stars, or below the sea. This indescribable urge to keep looking for the golden egg, the greener grass. Sometimes when you wake up and open your eyes you realize it was right there in front of you all along. To love and be loved is the greatest treasure on this earth. It's what many of us spend our whole lives trying to find, when most times it's right there in front of us, if we had only taken the time to look.
Time is the only thing we can never get back, spend it wisely my friends. If you don't think that time is precious, and must not be wasted, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
There are many things I would change in this life if given the chance. Oh regrets can sometimes almost paralyze us. Well I say the hell with regrets, so I'm not perfect, who in the hell is? I just know that we all wish sometimes we could turn back the clock and change the past. I know I do!!!!! I should just be able to sit back and say look what I have done with this life and be happy.
But it's like searching for that elusive Yettie, wondering what is beyond the next mountain, above the stars, or below the sea. This indescribable urge to keep looking for the golden egg, the greener grass. Sometimes when you wake up and open your eyes you realize it was right there in front of you all along. To love and be loved is the greatest treasure on this earth. It's what many of us spend our whole lives trying to find, when most times it's right there in front of us, if we had only taken the time to look.
Time is the only thing we can never get back, spend it wisely my friends. If you don't think that time is precious, and must not be wasted, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Monday, February 9, 2009
So Congress your trying to regulate the entertainment business now ?
Why is Congress wasting our tax dollars investigating alleged steroid use in Major league baseball? Last time I checked Baseball was part of the entertainment industry. Do you give urine test to Actors in film and television? Are you going after all forms of entertainment for alleged steroid use from Body building(the worst offenders), wrestling(the second worst offenders), the NFL , NHL, etc., well you get the point? The answer is no. Some self important jackass in Congress needed some face time on television is the only reason why this witch hunt has begun. To hide under the guise of protecting America's youth that look up to these baseball role models is criminal. What a crock of hypocritical BS.
Our Governments CIA kidnapped individuals and feed them LSD, locked them up, studied them like lab rats, and then let them go. They have issued amphetamines to long range pilots and reconnaissance teams in our military to help them stay awake on long missions. Our government injected our Special Forces with steroids to increase there performance in battle. Don't even ask what they did to our astronauts. So why the hipocracy? How can our government justify breaking its own laws on the one hand, and in the other hand try to prosecute entertainment professionals in baseball for the very same thing?
I do not believe in the use of steroids or other performance enhancing drugs for any reason other than health issues. What I do believe in, is that our government is not in the business of regulating every aspect of our lives. Why does a certain minority feel the need for everything to be spelled out or regulated? It's childish, its laziness, it's ridiculous. Parents need to parent their children. Congress is not responsible for keeping children off steroids. Parents are the ones that have this responsibility. We need to quit playing the blame game. Sometimes shit just happens, call it fate. Why do we feel the need to place blame for every unfortunate event that transpires. Someone has to pay for this, why? Take responsibility for you and yours, and quit pointing your fucking fingers at others, because every time you do a thousand get pointed back at you!!!!!!!!!!!
Congress you need to pull your heads out of your collective asses. Baseball is the least of your worries. Who gives a fuck if Barry Bonds didn't tell you the truth. What about that criminal Karl Rove? Rove didn't even testify before your precious body. He basically gave you the finger. Why don't you go after that criminal? The laws are made for the rich because the poor have nothing to protect, is really getting old. Read the preamble to the Constitution before every Congressional session, forget the pledge of allegiance. All Men and Women are created equal, none of us, especially our government are above the law.
If you think that there is any justification for bending law to justify your illegal actions against the citizens of this great nation or the world then my friends you are sadly mistaken!!!
Angry Fokker
Our Governments CIA kidnapped individuals and feed them LSD, locked them up, studied them like lab rats, and then let them go. They have issued amphetamines to long range pilots and reconnaissance teams in our military to help them stay awake on long missions. Our government injected our Special Forces with steroids to increase there performance in battle. Don't even ask what they did to our astronauts. So why the hipocracy? How can our government justify breaking its own laws on the one hand, and in the other hand try to prosecute entertainment professionals in baseball for the very same thing?
I do not believe in the use of steroids or other performance enhancing drugs for any reason other than health issues. What I do believe in, is that our government is not in the business of regulating every aspect of our lives. Why does a certain minority feel the need for everything to be spelled out or regulated? It's childish, its laziness, it's ridiculous. Parents need to parent their children. Congress is not responsible for keeping children off steroids. Parents are the ones that have this responsibility. We need to quit playing the blame game. Sometimes shit just happens, call it fate. Why do we feel the need to place blame for every unfortunate event that transpires. Someone has to pay for this, why? Take responsibility for you and yours, and quit pointing your fucking fingers at others, because every time you do a thousand get pointed back at you!!!!!!!!!!!
Congress you need to pull your heads out of your collective asses. Baseball is the least of your worries. Who gives a fuck if Barry Bonds didn't tell you the truth. What about that criminal Karl Rove? Rove didn't even testify before your precious body. He basically gave you the finger. Why don't you go after that criminal? The laws are made for the rich because the poor have nothing to protect, is really getting old. Read the preamble to the Constitution before every Congressional session, forget the pledge of allegiance. All Men and Women are created equal, none of us, especially our government are above the law.
If you think that there is any justification for bending law to justify your illegal actions against the citizens of this great nation or the world then my friends you are sadly mistaken!!!
Angry Fokker
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Only 20 days in office and they start up already !
Our newly elected President has only been in office 20 days. And already the Republican hate mongers are at it again. Rush Lim,baugh, Humbug (AKA "Mr. Oxycontin") one of the most self important jackasses to ever walk this planet has started up already on our new President.
Our past President, the Fucktard from Texas, couldn't find his ass with both hands in 20 days.
The fact that President Obama is the first President in over 20 years to garner Bipartisan support to fix our broken Democracy speaks volumes. This is a first, and will take time. The Fucktard from Texas tried to destroy our Democracy, and he came damn close. The damage done over the last 8 years could take decades to fix. Thanks Fucktard!!!!!!!!!!
So can all you Republican, baby killing, racist, hate mongering, religious rightwing (wrongwing) , jholes, read your history books. Maybe if you weren't so busy tapping your feet in the mens room, you might help try to fix this Country. The Democracy of Hipocracy is over! You are fucking done! The fat lady is singing. Do you get the point? I hope so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are offended by the worlds view of your party, than fix it. Our Democracy was formed by those that left countries for religious freedoms. How can this countries religious wrong try to dictate how we should worship, what we should listen to, what we should watch on television, what religions we should tolerate? They can't! Read the Bible, don't interpret it, read it and make up your own mind. Your values and viewpoints you try to force feed America go against every principle this great Country was founded upon. Ask yourself this one question. Since when did hate become a religion?
Religion was invented by man to control the masses.
God doesn't want religion, he wants faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! J.M.H.O.
If you think there is only one religion, one way to worship, one way to govern, or one way to live, then my friends I believe you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Our past President, the Fucktard from Texas, couldn't find his ass with both hands in 20 days.
The fact that President Obama is the first President in over 20 years to garner Bipartisan support to fix our broken Democracy speaks volumes. This is a first, and will take time. The Fucktard from Texas tried to destroy our Democracy, and he came damn close. The damage done over the last 8 years could take decades to fix. Thanks Fucktard!!!!!!!!!!
So can all you Republican, baby killing, racist, hate mongering, religious rightwing (wrongwing) , jholes, read your history books. Maybe if you weren't so busy tapping your feet in the mens room, you might help try to fix this Country. The Democracy of Hipocracy is over! You are fucking done! The fat lady is singing. Do you get the point? I hope so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are offended by the worlds view of your party, than fix it. Our Democracy was formed by those that left countries for religious freedoms. How can this countries religious wrong try to dictate how we should worship, what we should listen to, what we should watch on television, what religions we should tolerate? They can't! Read the Bible, don't interpret it, read it and make up your own mind. Your values and viewpoints you try to force feed America go against every principle this great Country was founded upon. Ask yourself this one question. Since when did hate become a religion?
Religion was invented by man to control the masses.
God doesn't want religion, he wants faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! J.M.H.O.
If you think there is only one religion, one way to worship, one way to govern, or one way to live, then my friends I believe you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Censorship the ultimate tool to silence dessenting opinion
Censorship and propaganda have long been tools used to silence the voices of dissidents. Every dictatorship in the history of mankind has used censorship as a tool to rule over the masses. What price do we put on our freedoms? What if any justification can be used to explain why we choose to let government or an organization steal our inalienable rights. We must learn from the past, censorship does not protect our freedoms or insure our safety. Censorship does one thing and one thing only it stifles the voices of dissidents. We need a diverse dichotomy of view points in this world, especially today. What gives one group the right to decide how another should talk, write, hear, read, or what they should listen to? No one on this earth has that right, in my humble opinion.
My labor organization, in which I have served for over 23 years, and loved dearly has turned to censorship. The current leaderships fear of viewpoints that differ from than their own are censored or censured indefinitely. For an organization that was started to protect and further workers rights in the Federal Sector to stoop to censorship is an embarrassment!!! Our profession is a very difficult tight knit group, that sometimes eats it's young. We are a group of type "A" personalities personified. We work hard and we play hard, but we never in the past have ever thrown a Brother or Sister under the bus until this leadership took over. It's like some Bush mentality on labor and human rights were morphed into our Unions leadership.
Our former past President has been banned for life from the bulletin board he helped create. Why I ask? Does the current President fear freedom of speech written or spoken by it's membership? Or is he just a vindictive, unskilled, weak little man, with a Napoleon complex as big as his ego? I really don't know the answer to those questions. What I do know is, a labor organization that calls you a Brother with one breath, and then curses your name with the next, is no labor organization I really need to be a part of. I am deeply saddened by these events.
I believe with all my being that freedom of speech is one of the most important rights we all should hold so very dear in our hearts. To have it trampled by an organization that was founded on protecting those rights of it's members is unconscionable.
If you think your feeble attempt to censure my voice for life from our BBS will ever work, then my former friends you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
My labor organization, in which I have served for over 23 years, and loved dearly has turned to censorship. The current leaderships fear of viewpoints that differ from than their own are censored or censured indefinitely. For an organization that was started to protect and further workers rights in the Federal Sector to stoop to censorship is an embarrassment!!! Our profession is a very difficult tight knit group, that sometimes eats it's young. We are a group of type "A" personalities personified. We work hard and we play hard, but we never in the past have ever thrown a Brother or Sister under the bus until this leadership took over. It's like some Bush mentality on labor and human rights were morphed into our Unions leadership.
Our former past President has been banned for life from the bulletin board he helped create. Why I ask? Does the current President fear freedom of speech written or spoken by it's membership? Or is he just a vindictive, unskilled, weak little man, with a Napoleon complex as big as his ego? I really don't know the answer to those questions. What I do know is, a labor organization that calls you a Brother with one breath, and then curses your name with the next, is no labor organization I really need to be a part of. I am deeply saddened by these events.
I believe with all my being that freedom of speech is one of the most important rights we all should hold so very dear in our hearts. To have it trampled by an organization that was founded on protecting those rights of it's members is unconscionable.
If you think your feeble attempt to censure my voice for life from our BBS will ever work, then my former friends you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Who will be the next NATCA President ?
Monday, January 19, 2009
This Eve of History.
On this Historic Eve just 19 hours and some minutes away, I reflect back on many events in my life. This day that we honor the late, great, Dr. Kings memory, it seems ALMOST SURREAL that tomorrow we will inaugurate our first Black President. What a tremendous load our new President has to bare. The hopes and dreams of every American rest on his shoulders. This Presidency more than any other in our history has a worldwide impact. The hopes and dreams of any race, creed, or religion that has dealt with oppression are being held in the balance. But let me remind you that one man cannot fix this Democracy, or this World,, but one Nation, one World, United for the better good of all can!
Tomorrow we celebrate not only history, but the dawn of a new era in our great land. Maybe just maybe, Dr. King's dream may some how now have a chance to come true. We must put our differences aside and come together in a way this country hasn't seen since WWII. We will have to sacrifice, and this endeavor will not be easy, but United we can and will overcome!!!!!!
I hope Mr. President Obama that you realize that those three beautiful ladies in your life are number one. I thank you in advance, for the sacrifices you and your family will be making over the course of the next four to eight years. The world has been waiting for this moment, and your destiny is now Mr. President. Please follow your heart and do what you know is right, the rest will fall into place. God speed my brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I you don't think that there is only one race on this planet, the human race, then my friends I feel so very sad for you, and believe you are truly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Tomorrow we celebrate not only history, but the dawn of a new era in our great land. Maybe just maybe, Dr. King's dream may some how now have a chance to come true. We must put our differences aside and come together in a way this country hasn't seen since WWII. We will have to sacrifice, and this endeavor will not be easy, but United we can and will overcome!!!!!!
I hope Mr. President Obama that you realize that those three beautiful ladies in your life are number one. I thank you in advance, for the sacrifices you and your family will be making over the course of the next four to eight years. The world has been waiting for this moment, and your destiny is now Mr. President. Please follow your heart and do what you know is right, the rest will fall into place. God speed my brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I you don't think that there is only one race on this planet, the human race, then my friends I feel so very sad for you, and believe you are truly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A great blog check it out! Help at last?
The bosses who run the FAA have been mistreating the controllers since at least 1981
By Dick Meister
Few government employees have more important responsibilities than the federal air traffic controllers whose primary job is to protect the safety of the ever-growing number of air travelers. Yet few federal employees are more badly treated by their government bosses.
The bosses, who run the Federal Aviation Administration the FAA have been mistreating the controllers since at least 1981. That's when President Ronald Reagan fired more than 11,500 controllers who, seeking to improve their onerous working conditions, struck in violation of the law that prohibits strikes by federal employees.
It's been downhill ever since for the controllers. The Bush appointees who've been running the FAA for the past eight years have adamantly refused to grant controllers even the basic right to bargain collectively for a contract that would guarantee them decent working conditions.
The controllers' working conditions are so bad that nearly one-fifth of the controllers have quit over the past two years, reducing their number to the lowest level since 1992.
That has left many traffic control towers badly understaffed and has forced the controllers remaining on the job to work long, fatiguing work shifts of up to 10 hours, with fewer and shorter breaks, and little time to rest between shifts -- often for six days a week, sometimes for all seven days. In some locations, control towers have had to be shut down for hours at a time for lack of controllers.
The shortage of experienced controllers to guide commercial and private aircraft is a serious threat to safety the possibility of improperly guided planes smashing into each other in the air or on runways, or going dangerously off course and crashing. Although there have been no such incidents recently, there have been some two-dozen reports of near-misses in the past year. The shortage of controllers is also a main reason that so many commercial flights are late leaving and late arriving.
The controllers are working under a contract, but it's a contract that was imposed on them by the FAA in 2006 after the agency rejected union demands for improvements during negotiations for a new contract.
Rather than improving conditions, the imposed contract made them even worse. It took from controllers their previous right to take rest breaks after every two hours of their eye-straining, highly stressful work of tracking aircraft paths across radar screens. They lost their right to refuse to work overtime, no matter how stressed or fatigued they might be. The contract also set the pay of new hires almost one-third lower than that of veteran controllers.
"The work environment is horrible, there's no respect for people,² says President Patrick Forrey of the controllers' union, the National Air Traffic Controllers Association. Finally, however, air traffic controllers have genuine hopes that their situation might improve substantially, thanks to the election of Barack Obama . The right to negotiate a new contract is what they want -- and need -- above all, and Obama has pledged to try to get it for them.
As a senator in 2006, Obama introduced a bill that was designed to stop the FAA from imposing a contract on the controllers and instead negotiate a new one with them, only to have the bill blocked by Senate Republicans. During his presidential campaign, Obama faulted the FAA for failing to treat controllers "with the respect they deserve."
Obama promises that as president, he'll direct his appointees to the Federal Aviation Administration to do what Bush's appointees refused to do. That is to work with the controllers and their union ³to restore morale and improve working conditions,² in accord with Obama's intent to return to the Clinton-era policy of requiring the FAA and all other federal agencies to work cooperatively with their employees' unions.
That should be and apparently will be a high priority for the Obama administration.
Dick Meister is a San Francisco-based journalist who has covered labor issues for a half-century. Contact him through his website, www.dickmeister.com.
By Dick Meister
Few government employees have more important responsibilities than the federal air traffic controllers whose primary job is to protect the safety of the ever-growing number of air travelers. Yet few federal employees are more badly treated by their government bosses.
The bosses, who run the Federal Aviation Administration the FAA have been mistreating the controllers since at least 1981. That's when President Ronald Reagan fired more than 11,500 controllers who, seeking to improve their onerous working conditions, struck in violation of the law that prohibits strikes by federal employees.
It's been downhill ever since for the controllers. The Bush appointees who've been running the FAA for the past eight years have adamantly refused to grant controllers even the basic right to bargain collectively for a contract that would guarantee them decent working conditions.
The controllers' working conditions are so bad that nearly one-fifth of the controllers have quit over the past two years, reducing their number to the lowest level since 1992.
That has left many traffic control towers badly understaffed and has forced the controllers remaining on the job to work long, fatiguing work shifts of up to 10 hours, with fewer and shorter breaks, and little time to rest between shifts -- often for six days a week, sometimes for all seven days. In some locations, control towers have had to be shut down for hours at a time for lack of controllers.
The shortage of experienced controllers to guide commercial and private aircraft is a serious threat to safety the possibility of improperly guided planes smashing into each other in the air or on runways, or going dangerously off course and crashing. Although there have been no such incidents recently, there have been some two-dozen reports of near-misses in the past year. The shortage of controllers is also a main reason that so many commercial flights are late leaving and late arriving.
The controllers are working under a contract, but it's a contract that was imposed on them by the FAA in 2006 after the agency rejected union demands for improvements during negotiations for a new contract.
Rather than improving conditions, the imposed contract made them even worse. It took from controllers their previous right to take rest breaks after every two hours of their eye-straining, highly stressful work of tracking aircraft paths across radar screens. They lost their right to refuse to work overtime, no matter how stressed or fatigued they might be. The contract also set the pay of new hires almost one-third lower than that of veteran controllers.
"The work environment is horrible, there's no respect for people,² says President Patrick Forrey of the controllers' union, the National Air Traffic Controllers Association. Finally, however, air traffic controllers have genuine hopes that their situation might improve substantially, thanks to the election of Barack Obama . The right to negotiate a new contract is what they want -- and need -- above all, and Obama has pledged to try to get it for them.
As a senator in 2006, Obama introduced a bill that was designed to stop the FAA from imposing a contract on the controllers and instead negotiate a new one with them, only to have the bill blocked by Senate Republicans. During his presidential campaign, Obama faulted the FAA for failing to treat controllers "with the respect they deserve."
Obama promises that as president, he'll direct his appointees to the Federal Aviation Administration to do what Bush's appointees refused to do. That is to work with the controllers and their union ³to restore morale and improve working conditions,² in accord with Obama's intent to return to the Clinton-era policy of requiring the FAA and all other federal agencies to work cooperatively with their employees' unions.
That should be and apparently will be a high priority for the Obama administration.
Dick Meister is a San Francisco-based journalist who has covered labor issues for a half-century. Contact him through his website, www.dickmeister.com.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
In a few days many Managerial types in the Federal sector will be leaving like rats off a sinking ship. And quite frankly I'll be glad to see their overpaid, under worked, worthless asses, gone for good. I know it's good to be the King, but total power can totally corrupt. Your days of impunity are just about over. You will pay for your sins in this life and the next. How can you sit back and treat your workforce this way for over 2 1/2 years? Just because you can? Are you really that petty and childish? What a collection of ass-clowns all of you have become. You would destroy the system to what, flex your collective muscles? Not bargain in good faith, Union busting, Lying to the American people, Good ole boy contracting out of jobs, Basically, Criminal Misconduct. I hope you are proud of yourselves. We will rebuild this great Nation, you can bet your bottom dollar on that simple fact.
So farewell, Don't let the door hit yah where the good lord split yah, TTFN, See you next time.
If you don't think the last 8 years have been an embarrassment to all Americans, then my friends I think you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Monday, January 12, 2009
THE BUSH LEGACY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Oh You little Blue Devil!!
Here is my second guitar build. I made this guitar for my Sister. It's called the "Blue Devil" because this guitar wants to fight every step of the way. This guitar has a alder body with Candy Daphne Blue paint and many coats of clear that fought every step of the way. 1952 custom shop reissue pickups, rhythm bridge, (non ashtray so pick is clear of bridge), 1952 Fender reissue pots, custom neck plate, Dean Markley Blue steel strings 10-46 will be used. The tuners will be Fender 1950's reissue, pearl three layer pick guard, all stainless steel screws. I have sanded and buffed this guitar way too many times.I hope she enjoys it. I think the colors and the guitar turned out very well. We painted a pin up girl on the guitar and we didn't like it, so we covered her up, hell hath no fury as a woman scorned, and this guitar is a prime example.
If you don't think that everything in this life has it's own unique spirit, then my friends I think you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Don't ever fear failure!
It is a solid ash body, with quilt maple top, Lindy Fralin pickups, Wilkinson bridge and tuners, 4way switch, custom neck and control plates, curly maple neck, and Dean Markley blue steel strings. I was afraid and excited at the same time. I really did my homework, but still made mistakes.
It's like Edison said: " I didn't fail one thousand times, I just learned a thousand ways not to make a light bulb ." I think that this is the only attitude to have in this life. I guess I learned how not to put string ferrules in. I learned to be patient. I learned to wait for all the parts,, then set up the guitar drill the holes and then finish the guitar. I've been told it plays better than it looks. I wish Mike much more success with all his future work and thank him for using this guitar on one of his up coming productions.
I would mostly like to thank my father, for teaching me so much in this life, for always trying new things, to always do my very best, to not fear failure, but prepare for success, a man's word is his bond, and anything worth doing is worth giving your very very best. He is the greatest teacher I have ever known! We sometimes have to agree, to disagree, but never forget I love you POP!
Don't ever be afraid to fail, fear of failure will only paralyze you. If you don't think you should take chances in this life and attack what you fear the most, then my friends I believe you are truly missing out, and are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
Friday, January 2, 2009
Tired and Uninspired
Well I have not had much to say as of late. I just want to wish everyone a healthy and Happy New Year. If you have both of those, what else really matters? 2008 has been a very difficult year for many of us. Let's not hope, let's make 2009 the best year ever. We the people must take charge of our own destiny. We must let our elected officials know what tasks we want them to perform. We must all get involved. This is not a time to sit on the sidelines and watch the game pass us by. We must stand up, and take the time to let our new administration know how they are doing, good or bad, and get our great nation back on track. We have suffered threw possibly the worst administration ever over the past eight years. Many of our rights have been trampled or thrown to the wayside. Our economy is in the toilet, most of our large manufacturers are nearly bankrupt, all of our 401k's have been decimated. There is only one direction to climb from the bottom,that is up my friends. Our Fathers and Grandfathers had it much worse during the Great Depression.
If you doubt the true spirit and resilience of our great American people, then my friends I truly believe you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
If you doubt the true spirit and resilience of our great American people, then my friends I truly believe you are sadly mistaken.
Angry Fokker
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