Monday, February 9, 2009

So Congress your trying to regulate the entertainment business now ?

Why is Congress wasting our tax dollars investigating alleged steroid use in Major league baseball? Last time I checked Baseball was part of the entertainment industry. Do you give urine test to Actors in film and television? Are you going after all forms of entertainment for alleged steroid use from Body building(the worst offenders), wrestling(the second worst offenders), the NFL , NHL, etc., well you get the point? The answer is no. Some self important jackass in Congress needed some face time on television is the only reason why this witch hunt has begun. To hide under the guise of protecting America's youth that look up to these baseball role models is criminal. What a crock of hypocritical BS.

Our Governments CIA kidnapped individuals and feed them LSD, locked them up, studied them like lab rats, and then let them go. They have issued amphetamines to long range pilots and reconnaissance teams in our military to help them stay awake on long missions. Our government injected our Special Forces with steroids to increase there performance in battle. Don't even ask what they did to our astronauts. So why the hipocracy? How can our government justify breaking its own laws on the one hand, and in the other hand try to prosecute entertainment professionals in baseball for the very same thing?

I do not believe in the use of steroids or other performance enhancing drugs for any reason other than health issues. What I do believe in, is that our government is not in the business of regulating every aspect of our lives. Why does a certain minority feel the need for everything to be spelled out or regulated? It's childish, its laziness, it's ridiculous. Parents need to parent their children. Congress is not responsible for keeping children off steroids. Parents are the ones that have this responsibility. We need to quit playing the blame game. Sometimes shit just happens, call it fate. Why do we feel the need to place blame for every unfortunate event that transpires. Someone has to pay for this, why? Take responsibility for you and yours, and quit pointing your fucking fingers at others, because every time you do a thousand get pointed back at you!!!!!!!!!!!

Congress you need to pull your heads out of your collective asses. Baseball is the least of your worries. Who gives a fuck if Barry Bonds didn't tell you the truth. What about that criminal Karl Rove? Rove didn't even testify before your precious body. He basically gave you the finger. Why don't you go after that criminal? The laws are made for the rich because the poor have nothing to protect, is really getting old. Read the preamble to the Constitution before every Congressional session, forget the pledge of allegiance. All Men and Women are created equal, none of us, especially our government are above the law.

If you think that there is any justification for bending law to justify your illegal actions against the citizens of this great nation or the world then my friends you are sadly mistaken!!!

Angry Fokker

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