Monday, February 16, 2009

So this is my midlife crisis!

As I look back in retrospect at my life I wonder, what if I had done things differently? Why didn't I do this when I was younger? I could have traveled, or stayed in college, learned a musical instrument at and early age, kept playing golf etc. Why why why why? Is this my destiny? Why at this point in our lives do we tend to second guess ourselves? I don't feel the need for a sports car. I don't have a young girlfriend. So why do I feel life is passing me by? I really just don't know the answers to these questions and it pisses me off. I think now I understand the phrase: "Youth is wasted on the young." When we are young enough to do certain things in life, we often times don't have the monetary means to do so. And when we finally have the means we are older and wonder why in the %$#@ am I trying this now?

There are many things I would change in this life if given the chance. Oh regrets can sometimes almost paralyze us. Well I say the hell with regrets, so I'm not perfect, who in the hell is? I just know that we all wish sometimes we could turn back the clock and change the past. I know I do!!!!! I should just be able to sit back and say look what I have done with this life and be happy.
But it's like searching for that elusive Yettie, wondering what is beyond the next mountain, above the stars, or below the sea. This indescribable urge to keep looking for the golden egg, the greener grass. Sometimes when you wake up and open your eyes you realize it was right there in front of you all along. To love and be loved is the greatest treasure on this earth. It's what many of us spend our whole lives trying to find, when most times it's right there in front of us, if we had only taken the time to look.

Time is the only thing we can never get back, spend it wisely my friends. If you don't think that time is precious, and must not be wasted, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.

Angry Fokker

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