Sunday, November 30, 2008

And why did we pay over $4.00 a gallon?

If it doesn't raise a red flag to anyone who drives a vehicle than you must be asleep at the wheel. Has the production cost of gasoline gone down three hundred percent? Absolutely not!!! The oil companies finally bit the hand that feeds them . The oil companies have put the world auto-makers in dire straights. The speculation on oil that supposedly spiked oil prices is a fabrication. This contrived rip off of the global petroleum market is not only criminal but is going to cost the oil companies dearly.

Worldwide use of petroleum products has only decreased by 5%. Is this really enough to drive the cost of gasoline from over $4.30 a gallon to $1.72 or less a gallon? No friggin way! After this price gouging ripoff, the cost per barrel is rapidly approaching the production cost per barrel. This blatant rip off of the world has directly contributed to the financial crisis we are currently suffering around the globe.

So the Airlines have cried uncle, and you refused to listen. But when the automakers cry, you finally listen. The oil companies realize that if they continue to rape us, it will force there long time partners in crime to produce alternate fuel forms of transportation. They finally realize their course will eventually destroy them.

I say screw the oil companies. Conserve as much as we can. Continue to use less oil. Force the big three in America to finally get off the oil tit once and for all. I say we bail out the first automaker that accomplishes this goal. The rest can go eat cake, or the oil companies can bail out their partners in crime.

We must as a Nation refuse to succumb to any bailout of the major three. Let the free market reign. Maybe this will finally be the wake up call these manufactures need. What will our gross national product be like if this continues? I'll tell you what, not one thing will be made in America .
We will import everything we buy, and be at the mercy of an unstable world market.

It's time for some tough love with these selective capitalist. I realize that many jobs will be lost. But we must stop the bleeding now. You heard it here, first from the Fokker. If not, we will have no manufacturing at all in the USA.

If you don't think that the oil companies have raped the world market with their unbridled price gouging, then my friends you are sadly mistaken.

Angry Fokker

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