Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Real Hope for a Real Change !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's election day. I woke up this morning without the alarm clock. That in itself on my day off is unprecedented. I was as excited as a child on Christmas morning. The wife and I got up, drove to our polling site and cast our votes for change. Afterwards we grabbed a cup of Joe, a quick high five, and not a word was spoken. It was a very surreal feeling, one of excitement and hope. Never in my life have I been so proud ,by simply exercising my right to vote.

I say let the healing begin! Let's take America back !!!!!!!! This is a day that we all can stand proud! Whatever the outcome, we must unite, and fix this broken Democracy!

To what ever higher power controls these things, if you can't deliver me a President, then please give me a veto proof majority in the Senate and the House.

I pray we all can come together and unite for the common good once and for all.

If you voted, thank you. If you didn't, well please don't have the audacity to ever complain, you gave up that right when you failed to vote.

In conclusion, to whomever wins, this is our Democracy, you work for us, please don't let us down again.

My friends if you don't think that one man, or one vote has the power to change, then I truly believe you are sadly mistaken.

Angry Fokker

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