Friday, November 14, 2008

Is depleteing the Senate for the cabinet the answer?

There are 18 million people that think I am wrong, but Hilliary on short list for Secretary of State?
I am not so sure this is the change I thought was coming. Is this pay back for her support in the election? Is Hilliary the best choice? I am not sure on any of those for mentioned questions. The problem is two fold in my opinion, one another Washington insider, and two a Clinton in the White House again. This is just more fuel for the fire, for the lie mongering GOP propaganda machine.

I am not saying Hilliary wouldn't do a great job, she just carries too much baggage. I don't really think that she can answer the 72 questions asked of any other would be Obama Cabinet member, and pass with flying colors.

Do we really want to lose another Senator? I really would like 60 for the Veto proof/Filibuster proof majority. But that's just me, "Mr. Vegas". I really want to hear what you think on this issue.

Maybe Barrack is so confident about his ability to cross party lines, that this is not even an issue.
Bill Richardson would be my first choice, if I were King of the forest, not Prince, not Duke, not Earl.

The three post I am personally most concerned about are, Secretary of Transportation, FAA Administrator, but mostly Secretary of Defense. Who do you think will get the nod in these three post?

I like Jane Garvey for Secretary of Transportation. FAA administrator someone with a vast knowledge of aviation, especially Air Traffic. For Secretary of Defense, I want Colin Powell.

Leave me a line about your three choices.

Change for the sake of change is never a good thing, but change is what got you the White House Mr. President elect, so please give the people what you promised , because if you don't, than my new friend you are sadly mistaken.

Angry Fokker

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