Wednesday, January 14, 2009


In a few days many Managerial types in the Federal sector will be leaving like rats off a sinking ship. And quite frankly I'll be glad to see their overpaid, under worked, worthless asses, gone for good. I know it's good to be the King, but total power can totally corrupt. Your days of impunity are just about over. You will pay for your sins in this life and the next. How can you sit back and treat your workforce this way for over 2 1/2 years? Just because you can? Are you really that petty and childish? What a collection of ass-clowns all of you have become. You would destroy the system to what, flex your collective muscles? Not bargain in good faith, Union busting, Lying to the American people, Good ole boy contracting out of jobs, Basically, Criminal Misconduct. I hope you are proud of yourselves. We will rebuild this great Nation, you can bet your bottom dollar on that simple fact.
So farewell, Don't let the door hit yah where the good lord split yah, TTFN, See you next time.

If you don't think the last 8 years have been an embarrassment to all Americans, then my friends I think you are sadly mistaken.

Angry Fokker

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your so naughty...