Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fear of a Black Planet "Grandma you can vote for the black guy"

In the 1980's Public enemy had a hit album "Fear of a Black Planet". It spoke of the lack of emergency services in ghetto, and many other social problems in our inter cities.

My greatest fear is, that many who told pollsters they are going to vote for Obama, may have a change of heart. In the dark lonely confines of a voting booth anything can happen. This deep seated fear of relinquishing power and to control to a non-anglo President scares many in our nation. There is no need to fear, soon we will be the minority. This great melting pot will soon be a "COCOA NATION" where interracial marriage will be the norm, not the exception to the rule. We cannot fear this changing of the guard, it is inevitable and will happen in our life time. The group that fears this change the most is white women over the age of 60.

This is my homage to the "Great Schelp" Grandma its ok to vote for the black guy. Again that goes for anyone who fears a black planet, it's ok to vote for the black guy with the funny name.

Don't fear this change, embrace it with open arms, there is nothing you can do to stop it.
My children and grand children are beautiful interracial children. For many years my sons and daughters have had difficulty finding where they belong. Are we more aligned with the black race? I say no you're part of the Human Race. We all are. The pigment of our skin does not dictate your social status, intelligence, or abilities in any way, shape, or form. They are what make us diverse, beautifully different , unique, different from the status quo.

It's time for a change in this country, let a new era of change and hope heal our once great nation.

And remember Grandma it's ok you can vote for the black guy.

If you don't think racism is alive and well in this country, then friends you are sadly mistaken!

Angry Fokker

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