Friday, October 17, 2008

Sarah Palin the Ultimate Anti-Feminist !!!!!!!

Over the last ten years we as a country have tried to educate our daughters about body image. The ultra skinny models, anorexic actresses are no longer tre-sheik. Curves are in. It's ok to be a real woman. Education, intelligence, forward thinking, are not traits to be hidden by women.

Sarah Palin does not believe in a woman's right to choose. Sarah Palin is running on a ticket for one reason, she is attractive. Have we as Americans jumped back in to the shallow pool? Since when is education, intelligence, being articulate, the ability to think on your feet, honesty, and for god's sake,actually being qualified for a position, not become a prerequisite for Vice President .

If Sarah Palin resembled Janet Reno we wouldn't even know her name.
What type of beauty pageant mentality is this?

What are we saying to our daughters? All you have to do is be cute, throw out a couple of winks, a few you-betchas, be able to read a tele-prompter, have a fake mid-western accent that would make the cast of Fargo puke, and wow you to can be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

Let's let our daughters know that hard work, intelligence, education, truth , and diligence, can and will enable them to succeed on their own terms.

Don't you think our daughters deserve at least that? If the answer is no,then friends I think you are sadly mistaken.

Angry Fokker

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