Friday, October 24, 2008

Less Religion More Faith

For thousands of years mankind has fought over religion. Millions have paid the ultimate price in the name of religion.

Organized Religions were created by man to control the masses. God did not create religions, he created faith.

In times of great turmoil and adversity man had to create an avenue to ensure order and tranquility. There was no infrastructure's, like law enforcement,a judicial system, prisons, to control the masses. In a desolate desert where every man was armed, it was a difficult task. The laws of man could not control the masses without an army to carry out the law. So let's raise the stakes, eternal damnation, your soul will be lost for ever, you'll burn in hell. Religion played upon fear in the after life. I am not saying all religion is corrupt or meaningless, I just believe that true faith in what ever higher power you believe in is more powerful and sincere than religion.

I'll use the Mormon's as an example. Imagine being in a wagon train heading west and settling in desolate Utah. Every man was armed, and daily life was a struggle. There wasn't enough to eat or drink, shelter had to be built. So the Mormons created rules on food and water supplies,and many other rules to keep order in this chaotic new setting. These rules became a part of the Mormon religion.

I can't even count the number of religions in this world. Let's just use the top four. Christianity, Judaism, Muslim, Buddhism. Which one is correct? I say none, they were all created by man to control the masses in difficult times and circumstances.

Prior to organized religion societies used to worship gods and deities to control their societies. Human sacrifice, torture, and other forms of terror were used.

Religion was not always used for just controlling the masses. It was also used to bring society together in fellowship and brother and sisterhood.

So why has religion been used so viciously and horrifically by man? The only reason I can think of is, power and control. The Roman Catholics certainly used their religion in this manner. To persecute another human being because of their faith goes against the grain of all faith. It is as unholy and cruel as man can be towards another man.

In my opinion Gods greatest gift to mankind is free will. The choice to choose ones destiny, ones faith. Why would a fair and just God allow mankind freewill? I believe he wanted all of us to decide for ourselves how we choose to live our lives. It makes a lot of sense to me, by giving us free will he also made us take responsibility for our actions, if not in this lifetime then maybe in the next.

So let's all have more faith and less religion, exercise our free will, because too many have perished in the name of religion, if this doesn't make you revisit your faith, then friends I think you are sadly mistaken.

Angry Fokker

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