Thursday, October 23, 2008

Separation of Church and State

I have no dog in this fight, but I don't understand all the controversy. Marriage is a religious institution created by religion and acted out in houses of worship. This holy institution is recognized by our Government. Those heterosexual couples that choose to enter into wedlock are afforded tax incentives and rights under law and statue in case of the untimely passing of their spouse.

The US government has no business involving our Government in the definition of marriage. Marriage is a truly religious institution. Our government chooses to acknowledge this religious institution.
By not acknowledging any union of two individuals regardless of sex is prejudicial. These individuals should be afforded the same rights under law and statue as anyone else. Let the Church decide the definition of marriage. Let the government recognize a domestic partnership just as they recognize marriage.

I don't agree or disagree with a lifestyle choice or if predestined sexual preference is a fact.
I just believe that every citizen in this great nation deserves the rights afforded by the Constitution of the United States of America.

In my humble opinion any ruling of the definition of marriage by the Courts, Congress, or any branch of the Government is Unconstitutional.

I hope that some day we can truly separate our Government and Religion. This Country was founded on the principles of religious freedom for all. That includes those who choose not to worship a specific religion.

If you don't realize that more people have died in the name of religion than all the wars, plagues, and natural disasters combined, then my friends you are sadly mistaken!

Angry Fokker

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