Sunday, October 26, 2008

First or almost last you choose !!!!!!

We have two presidential candidates. Barrack Obama graduated first in his class at Harvard Law, John McCain was 894 out of 899 in his class at the Naval Academy.

Barrack Obama came from very humble beginnings and rose to where he is today, by hard work and sacrifice.

John McCain came from wealth and power the grandson and son of Admirals. John McCain was basically a legacy to get into the Naval Academy.

Why did one of these candidates take his education so seriously and the other just get squeak by?
Hunger, drive, determination, and grit. How can John McCain be an everyday American? Frankly I don't think he can.

The effort that Barrack put forth in his education is a pre-cursor to his work ethic and determination.

The lack of effort that John put forth in his education shows the lack of those qualities.
John McCain left all he had left in a prison camp in Hanoi, like a prize fighter who took a severe beating, he left it all there. I don't believe at 72 years of age he has enough left in the tank to do the job. The President works 16-18 hour days 7 days a week. Do you really think John McCain has the endurance? Frankly I don't!

And if god forbid anything happened to whomever became President. Who would you want running this country? Joe Biden , or wink wink, you betcha, what does the Vice President do again, Sarah Palin.

Our wonderful Democracy is in trouble. If you truly think John McCain is the answer, then friends I think you are sadly mistaken.

Angry Fokker

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